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Left-handed combat


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As a lefty with mild OCD, I was very pleased to see that it's possible to use weapons left-handed in vanilla Skyrim. But then, it turns out, they only get one swing animation, don't seem benefit from any power attack perks, aesthetically or otherwise, and don't have any finishing blows either? What the hell? I understand that for most people a left-handed weapon is nothing but a sidearm, but even then it feels very incomplete to me as-is; dual-wielders would doubtless benefit from full use of a left-handed weapon as well.


I am not actually sure how hard this would be, as I have never actually done animation work myself - I'll assume that it isn't simply a matter of mirroring the right-handed animations (if so, I'd be very annoyed at Bethesda since that would make this seem very lazy of them), but it'd be quite nice to have a bit more variety there; it's more than just an aesthetic thing, too, seeing as currently left-handed weapons swing slower than those on the right. I'm not asking for new finishing blows or anything - I can easily live without those - but a bit more swing variety and some benefit from the aforementioned power attack perks would be really nice, if anyone is up for trying that.


Thanks for checking.

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