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Just few more ideas for mods, figure ill just throw them out there


Teleportation Mod, i have seen some ok teleportation systems and have been thinking about designing; (not creating because im not a scripter) a psijic Mage Mod, That adds a load of balanced teleportation spells & travel systems.


travel system - for those of us who dont use fast travel, having a teleporter network of ancient Psiijic travel stones or something would be awesome, i use the one that lets me get to the cities, but i dont like that i can return from anywhere, what im proposing is to create a few key teleporter stones in each hold, that a player can use to travel between them. so you have to make your way to the closest teleporter stone, where you can then travel between holds, (this travel would take you to a 'walkway' custom cell, that takes a short time to travel to a different hold. You would need to learn the spell that lets you gain access to these teleporters.


COmbat teleportation - allowing short bursts of teleportation in fights, and general travel.


Quest - Just off the top of my head I think that you are recriuted to a faction of psijic mages, who need your help, (for what ever reason) the quest is that the travel system is corrupted & haunted by 'shades' or something, some kind of hardcore enemy, that you hvae to fight in the walkway cells. you have to clear the enemies in order to use it properly. and you dont gain access to the spell that lets you use them until you complete it. or something,


Send Ahead - A teleportation spell that lets you Teleport items directly to a chest in your breezehome. the amount is dependant on your skill/spell level.


then when you are done, you simply walk up to the closest stone, cast the spell inside the area and it will activate them.


Mark and recall maybe as well could be added. but i think the travel system is the best idea here.


The idea is to be able to immerse yourself in the world of teleportation not just add a few random spells.



Being wounded:


A system of wounds, basically a magical effect based on being hit hard and getting low on health, rather then just healing yourself miraciously, you can heal your health, but you get 'wounded' this causes a slow bleed out, but, if you get hurt even more when wounded then you would become 'seriously wounded' then savagely wounded, and if you are hurt when savagely wounded you would become 'fatally wounded' which = a slow un avoidable death. I was thinking that you need an item to heal yourself. or rest or something


OR you need to wear 'bandages' for a certain amount of time, this could be a custom mesh, that will replace your armour, so for example, if you are 'wounded it would replace your gauntlets, then nasty wound would be legs, then serious wound would be helmet, then savage wound would be your actual armour, this means that when wounded you would become weaker, just through lack of armour, and you would have to rest, eat, etc as well or something.


i want these to work with mods, like darwins nightmare, WIS, DD, WARZONES, and all the survival mods and stuff.


Other things id like to see in Skyrim


Carts populating Skyrim, Bandit attacks on towns etc.


A Quest & deeper marriage options, (some 'adult options' maybe) but also, something that makes marrying certain woman worth it, like a quest, a history to each woman, an ex who wants her back, or something,


I also would like to see interaction between you, i would like to have some kind of obligation to her/him, maybe small things like offering them jewellery for a kiss, which gives me a magic effect for xtra health regen. just something that adds immersion.


Better Guard AI, more interested in you when you act odd.


People actually surrender, Maybe they drop or leave an item.


Weapon & Armour Decay - Already posted earlier


INventor pathway - Creates a whole new perk tree & quest line NPC's etc. for the inventor. basically unlock the secrets of the dwemer, create Constructs, new weapons & Armour, possibly dwemer guns & new tech. New lands maybe? discover an underground city, stem off a falmer invasion with newly discovered Dwemer tech. complete forgotton research.


Scroll Master Pathway, - Use rolls of paper, Ink, and quill & Soul Gems, A a new perk tree to be a master of the scrolls, create complex repeatable and equipable scrolls. that rival even the most powerful of spells. Hold them in your hand, create spinning blades, teleport, different magics all stemming from the art of scroll making, new quests, clothing, enchantments etc.


Throwing weapons, -always bugged me that you cant throw a dagger, i mean why do i have 17 of them lol.


Upgradable Arrows, Use smithing to upgrade 25 arrows to 'fine' etc quality


Poison lasts for more hits, and on multiple arrows, -actually more like poisoning the arrows then bow.


Show second sword sheath, & choose to have bow remain on back when using a sword.


Put your shield on your back when not using it - jusst a personal preference.


When NPC's die, have new people move into the house, rename it to their house etc. just for immersion purposes, no point having an empty house.


Taking peoples crops should be theft.


\\Food shoul be perishable, - Would work really well for darwins nightmare,


BOund Shield - Self explanatory.


right, im out of ideas. now lol


let me know if there are a couple of ideas there worth exploring,


and if anyone makes it this far thanks for bearing with me



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