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change skyrim's vsync refresh rate?


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Is this possible? I play at 30fps for stability. If I play on high settings and let the frames go up to 60, then when they drop again I ripped out of the immersion and all around irritated. I have tried setting my 60hz monitor to 30, but I didn't even try and play the game on that because the monitor looked so messed up, I was worried it was going break..


So is there anyways that I can change the ingame vsync refresh rate to 30hz, so that at 30 frames there is no screen tearing? Seems to be the only problem with playing at a lower framerate. On high if I am outside in the wilds the frames can sometimes get up to 120+ which does weird things to the game engine, but more importantly just as fast as they shot up they will surely shoot back down to 30-40fps and that hurts.


I am begging for someone to help me with this as I have been struggling to figure this out since the game was released.

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