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Need some Scripting help


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Hello everyone. Working on a really neat weapon for FO4, and Im having the smallest cosmetic issue with my script.


The projectile and everything works so far, but the projectiles of the weapons using this script still remain after the explosion has been spawned.

ScriptName Spartan_Plasma_TimedExplosion extends activemagiceffect

;-- Properties --------------------------------------
Explosion Property PlasmaExpl Auto Const
Sound Property SoundEffect  Auto

;-- Variables ---------------------------------------

;-- Functions ---------------------------------------

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	Actor Target = akTarget
	Target.PlaceAtMe(PlasmaExpl as Form, 1, False, False, True)

Anyone know how to have the script remove the projectile after the Target.PlaceAtMe line?


The script has to work for multiple different projectiles >-<

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You might cast the projectile as a reference first, saying adding


Form kPlasmaExplosion = PlasmaExp


Utility. Wait(time it takes for explosion that you know)



Etc etc


I'm not familiar with projectiles and script for them but I do similar thing to clean up actors. On my phone typing this so hopefully. It makes sense

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