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Some mods cause my game to not get pass the opening screen


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The first logo pops up but when the menu starts to load then it just crashes to the desktop. I haven't kept track of which ones do it since none were a really big deal to me but lately a lot have been doing it. A couple examples are the portable camp mod and the scout armor mod. Anyone maybe having the same issues with some mods offer me some advice if you've fixed it. Please and thank you.


Camp mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9935

Scout armor mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7109


Edit - I use NMM just to clarify and I have checked for listed compatibility issues.

Edited by Khailik
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I am having a similar issue where Skyrim will not even display the menus! Tonight, I am going to start with a totally clean install, because it could be one of the mods has become corrupted along the way somewhere, I will let you know if it works. Hope we can get this sorted.
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Well I mean my game runs fine because I know which mods are causing issues so I just turn them off. But still lol I want to use these mods


Yeah I know it's annoying. I actually completely wiped them from my game directory and re installed and now everything is working fine. Weird.

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What are you using to activate these mods?


Something with load order sorting capabilities is recommended (NMM for example) as if your game loads master files (.esm) after it loads plugins (.esp) it will cause this issue. Mods that alter any of the flash based menus could potentially cause this as well if they're conflicting/installed improperly.

Edited by MShoap13
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What are you using to activate these mods?


Something with load order sorting capabilities is recommended (NMM for example) as if your game loads master files (.esm) after it loads plugins (.esp) it will cause this issue. Mods that alter any of the flash based menus could potentially cause this as well if they're conflicting/installed improperly.



I'm really just not going to answer this -__-... I'll just say maybe you should read my entire post ;P

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