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New to CK. Could use some help.


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Alright, so besides poking around and placing random objects in the world, I have no experience with the Creation Kit. I want to do something which seems like it would be pretty simple but I have no idea where to even start.


My goal is to place a few objects in the "Hall of the Vigilant" so I can live there (I'm RPing a Vigilant of Stendarr). I want a player owned bed, chest, crafting tables and some weapon racks.


Can anyone explain how I would begin to do this?


Thank you in advance!

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Read Bethesdas tutorials, they have more than enough to get you started :)


Written tutorials here


Video tutorials here


Ah, alright thank you.


I wasn't sure if those tutorials would cover something like this. I started watching the first one and I lost patience because the pace was slow.


I'll definitely watch them now though, if they'll help me learn how to do this.


Thanks again!

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Even if tutorials do not exactly cover what you want to do, it's always a good thought to go through them anyways, from what you learn you might just find out how to do it yourself ;)
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