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Mod to show active potions/effects on HUD


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Hey peeps.


I asked this question not long after Skyrim first came out and now I'm hoping that someone will finally created it as it doesn't' seem to be out yet, unless I've missed it already. Someone did say wait till the CK was out.



It sounds simple, just a small icon/bar/timer on the HUD to show what current potions or effects are active.

I'm amazed this hasn't been done yet... unless due to technical reasons it can't be? but I would have thought I'd be a no brainer ask to be honest, as surely I can't be the only one that doesn't think this would be useful?


I actually don't bother with potions for this reason, coz I have NFI how long I have left on a pot in the heat of battle.


Would love it if someone can make this request.


Thanks for reading..

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One the one hand I like that idea. But on the other hand I think it would kinda screw realism and immersion. So maybe instead of a visible timer, there could be some kind of visual effect when the potion's effect stops. Like a flash or something...or the opposite, a 1/2sec. blackout.
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