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How to get reference?

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Option 2 looks good though just leaving the original script option showing lockpick level might work if you can make the new script the default button.


I toggled the replace default tick box and had a check on a terminal I could not pick. Glad to say the default script dousnt control whether you can hack the terminal or not.


Or could we replicate the origenal script and just add the size change line to it and tack it to the perk?

Edited by stonefisher
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Well since both options need you to interact with the terminal and make a popup I will try and go make it so that it does a check and if you have to hack it it gives a popup saying whether you can hack it or not, the lvl and give the option to attempt hack or to leave.


Personally I dont see the problem in not knowing the difficulty level. Its like me and this coding. All I know is I get an idea on how to make it or not, not how hard it will be to implement

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The answer is definately the mesage box text overide function. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Message

I have modified the code fragment on the perk to resize the player when button 0 is pressed and it does resize me.

I just need to workout the conditions to make the text overide appear.


I am at the diamond city mayers office with a novice level lockpick

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Cant work out how to get text override working on this so I have set it up so you have a second activate button which you can press to show the security level in a popup box.


Maybe I will try to have it have text override on the second button so you press it and it changes the activater lable to the security level.


I would keep the script running so it updated automatically but it would grind the game to a halt.

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Turns out making conditional access point works well emulating the lock indication buttons. Would be nice to find out how they made it in the game. Seeing as it seems to be two activators stacked on top of each other with only one button.


So now I have 10 activation points, set priority 1 to 10, do I need to modify this script to make it work?

Event OnEntryRun(int auiEntryID, ObjectReference akTarget, Actor akOwner)
	if (auiEntryID == 0)

I have looked up auiEntryID and wasnt sure how it related to conditional activate points.


edit: worked it out

Edited by stonefisher
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