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Unable to play with disabled mods? FNV


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Hello, I'm a noob on this, I'm like 20-30 hours in and everything was going fine, but now the game has been crashing suddenly. I tried the steam feature to check for missing files, it always says 1 file is missing. I tried to disable all mods thinking that maybe one of my mods is causing trouble, but it doesnt seem to be possible, if I disable all active mods the game crashes when starting, is that normal?


Lately, with mods on, the game starts ok, but If i fast travel, or sometimes just randomly, it crashes. It's the second time I have trouble with modding with this game, last time i was 80 hours in and I really dont want to lose my progress again :sad:


Is there a way to just play the vanilla version again? I really, honestly, just wanna be able to finish this game.

Edited by jevsster
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Please provide the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. We can't really help without the information to determine what may be incorrectly set up. ("Verifying local files" ALWAYS restores 1 file. Nothing significant about that.)


However, based solely upon those symptoms, please see the 'Solutions to "Crash To Desktop" (CTD) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide as a starting point.


FYI: Simply "disabling" mods does not remove them from the "Data" folder. Even when "inactive", if they are present the game loads them to determine if they are needed by the "save game" file. You have to actually move them out of "Data" or rename their extensions so it doesn't recognize them to keep them from causing problems.


Please see the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article on how to setup a playable game or restore one to "vanilla". Modding a game is more complicated than you suspect, but doable if you take your time to do it right the first time.


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