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NPCs randomly move at hyperspeed (clip included)


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so the "resurrect" command doesn't actually revive a dead body but rather cleans up the mess and spawns a brand new copy of whatever died? interesting. i guess i never resurrected a raider before, or any other thing with noticable variety in its appearance. NCR Troopers always look the same and named NPCs have their own records with fixed equipment.


anyway, TL;DR the non-JIP version seems to work fine for me

i uninstalled the mod and got the non-JIP version instead. first test i did was checking Beagle's speedmult a couple times and yes, it stopped increasing and stayed at whatever abhorrent value it was. also the console didn't print those script errors anymore. so i used "SetAV speedmult 100" on him, followed by "kill" and "resurrect". he returned normal. so i went back to some other places where i knew there would be afflicted NPCs and fixed those, too. i also tried omitting the initial SetAV and it still worked, just "kill"ing and "resurrect"ing resets them perfectly fine for me. so... i don't know why it didn't for you. maybe try again?

after that, i played for a couple hours, went to new places i hadn't been to before, killed Legion, Raiders and other garbage and everything was fine. not a single creature moved faster than it should. except for the Golden Geckos around Searchlight, which apparently have a natural 50% speedboost? those things are dangerous if you don't see them early enough.

but yeah, it very much looks like the JIP-version of Awesome Crippling Effects is bugged in some way

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Good work. Looks like you have isolated the source. Please post that information in the comments of the mod download page so the author can verify and fix. Be sure to note the NVSE.LOG error messages (or at least a representative sample) as well. That will hopefully help him narrow down where it's happening in script.


Meanwhile I'll add the info about "speedmult" and how to reset it to the "Troubleshooting" guide for the next "hyper-speed" incident.


Edit: BTW, I linked to your video clip as it does an excellent job of illustrating the problem.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Good to hear, when I saw that we both had awesome crippling effects that set off alarm bells in my head.

I have around 2500 hours in New Vegas and the majority of them have been modded heavily so when I saw a bug I've never seen before I had a hunch it was a new mod, something I'd never used before. Guess my hunch was right.

Glad to have this all wrapped up, and thanks again for all the help you guys supplied.


Time to get Back in the saddle :P

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Aha. "Setav". Thanks for the tip.



here are all my mods in their glorious abundance:


Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm=1
factions reloaded raiders v2.esp=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm=1
Active Wasteland.esm=1
NPC Project.esm=1
Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp=1
Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp=1
Mojave Master Plugin.esm=1
New Vegas Sewers.esm=1
Casa Madrid Redesigned.esp=1
More Traits.esm=1
Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm=1
More Perks.esm=1
FCO - Playable Races.esp=1
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp=1
LeatherBackpack - eng.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp=1
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp=1
More Perks Update.esp=1
Improved Sound FX.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp=1
stronger merchants.esp=1
Leather backpack - rus.esp=0
Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp=1
factions reloaded followers.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Replacements.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Goggle Tints.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Goggle Tints.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Dead Money Coffee Maker.esp=1
Active Wasteland - Coffee Maker.esp=1
Dynamic Third Person Camera.esp=1
Alternative Start.esp=1
NPC Project - 188 Trading Post.esp=1
More Traits Update.esp=1
Couriers Blunder + Rifle.esp=1
boa ncrpahelmet.esp=1
FNV NPCs Travel.esp=1
Donta1979 MK117 Prototype Armor.esp=1
Armored Duster.esp=1
Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp=1
Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp=1
Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp=1
Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp=1
Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp=1
FCO - Delilah.esp=1
Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp=1
FCO - Niner.esp=1
FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp=0
FCO - Willow.esp=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance [Rarity Fixes].esp=0
Faster Start Menu.esp=1
Tutorial Killer.esp=0
New Radio Stations.esp=1
GBMM - Gun Behavior Mod Merge.esp=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
ILO - GS Shack.esp=1
ILO - New Vegas Bounties II.esp=1
ILO - New Vegas Bounties.esp=1
NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp=0
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp=1
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=0
Totally Amber Pipboy Light.esp=1
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Hmm. No "Awesome Crippling Effects". Might be another mod, or even a bug in a JIPLNNVSE function.


Have you tried to see what the "speedmult" is on some of your speedsters? I wrote up the procedure Timmhaze developed in 'Issue: NPCs and Creatures are moving at "hyper-speed"' in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide so you don't have to piece it together from scattered posts. (It will take a bit to compare your LO with the others, and I won't get to it until later today. Heading to bed now.)



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@Ricocco: Here is the list (in alphabetical order) of the files you have in common with both Valfaun and Timmhaze (excluding vanilla DLCs):


dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp

As all except "dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp" are what I would consider "common" and don't affect NPCs directly that I am aware of, prime suspect would one that has recently been updated.


Edit: As I now have a script to produce the common files, it will not take much time to compare other LOs in future.



Edited by dubiousintent
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  • 3 months later...

thanks for the valuable input everyone. i guess i have a new snippet of information now.


first, Dubious, i tried the performance related tweaks in the resources you linked and none had any noticable impact (except for one Fallout.ini change breaking the game, but reverting fixed it). i have a 60Hz panel and adaptive vsync enabled in the Nvidia settings, but apparently New Vegas does its own Vsync either way. setting the fpsclamp to 60 in NVSR exclusively did nothing noticable. according to its log file which occasionally reports framerates i don't even get 60fps anyway. limiting it to 30 seems more realistic. but yeah, your suspicion that it might be the AI acting up made me think the game engine was to blame, perhaps it really can't handle modern systems with multiple CPU cores or something. i tried diabling ThreadedAI and some other things in the Fallout.ini, also adding iNumHWThreads=2 to it, just in case the game doesn't like seeing all of my CPU threads.

also, i put the bashed patch back after Nevada Skies because, well, i did include it in Wrye Flash when making the patch and yeah, it still works. i played New Vegas before, a few years ago, and Nevada Skies worked exactly once and then just didn't anymore for some reason. so i guess i was being extra careful about it this time.


Ricocco, not yet, but we might have a clue. can you tell us which mods you use? that might help


Timmhaze, interesting you're seeing the same issue now. you don't seem to be using the Ragdolls mod, so that might be safe. but you are also using the JIP version of AwesomeCripplingEffects. that one had an update about 3 weeks ago, but JIP got one the other day. which version of JIP are you using? not sure if it matters, but eh.

the speedmult thing, though, yeah. i experimented with that for a bit earlier and gathered some insight:


i happened to have saved with an affected Raider in sight, so i used "setav speedmult 100" on them, which by itself didn't change anything. as you said, the value needs to be updated first, somehow. so i engaged the raider in hopes they would do something to trigger an update, which apparently they didn't. so i killed and resurrected them via console. that, however, somehow replaced the raider with a different model. i have no clue how or why. so i went to the Mojave outpost instead, where the body of an affected NPC hadn't been cleaned yet. i resurrected them, but surprisingly they didn't exhibit the problem anymore. kill and resurrect again, still normal. however, one of the commands, i forgot which one, prints out a lot of stuff in the console, Get commands. so i figured, if there's SetAV, there might also be GetAV, which you seem to have used but didn't mention. i went to Primm, where Beagle was going fast, and continued testing there.

used "GetAV speedmult" on Beagle and yeah, it was almost 1000. killing and resurrecting an NPC sometimes fixes the issue, it seems, but this time his value went even higher, into the 10000 range. then i just checked his speedmult every few seconds for a bit without killing him and saw that it was constantly increasing. 40000, 60000, 90000... the last value i got before stopping was >140000.

Dubious said this value can only be altered via scripts and Awesome Crippling Effects is a script mod. it's also one that we both use and one of the few mods that i didn't have when i played a few years ago.

additionally, as i mentioned in the first post, i'm constantly getting "Error in script 00001c16" outputs in the console and nvse.log file. do you have that, too, Timmhaze? CaR_HoPPeR in the Awesome Crippling Effects posts reports the same error output, although not mentioning anything about speedmult issues.


i'm gonna disable the JIP version of the mod, get the regular one, try to fix any currently affected NPCs and play for a while, see if the issue pops up again. if it does, i'll disable the mod altogether (unfortunately) and test again.

because tbh, i really don't want to start the game all over, which i had to do a couple times before

I was having the same issue, so I tested it and I can confirm that the glitch only occurs with the JIP version of the mod installed.

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