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Animated Clutter


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Hello modders, I'm curious if the mod author of Animated Clutter is still active because he hasn't been active since the march of 2016. I am curious because I have managed to make the mod SE with some tools and video tips. Am I not able to upload it on the Special Edition Nexus Mods? I don't know if the mod author will reply to my message.

Edited by RumblestrutCovey
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So, basically, what's being said here is that even if the mod author has fallen off the face of the earth for 1+ years(No replies to comments, doesn't respond to private messages/inbox is full, no updates), no one can upload a port of the mod despite the fact that it's basically been abandoned, and you can't make a similar mod because of copyrights that aren't even official? So, can we not even make patches that overwrite the files of the original mod to make it work with SSE(Going under the assumption that the mod author is, again, not even around to grant any semblance of permission whatsoever, and has not been around for an extended period of time with no sign of their return.) and upload that patch so that others can at least continue to use these dead mods? Because I imagine that would fall under copyright somehow.


Also, to the OP, Animated Clutter works perfectly fine in SSE without any converting or patches. I currently use it myself and haven't encountered any problems.

Edited by LordNyron
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You cannot upload a port without the original authors permission. This is the case even if the author has disappeared.

copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar



WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs.


Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright".

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You cannot upload a port without the original authors permission. This is the case even if the author has disappeared.

copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar



WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs.


Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright".


its the rules for consoles and beth so i think it would apply here too

for making something wich looks exactly the same is nearly like you took mod and ported it

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You cannot upload a port without the original authors permission. This is the case even if the author has disappeared.

copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar



WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs.


Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright".


its the rules for consoles and beth so i think it would apply here too

for making something wich looks exactly the same is nearly like you took mod and ported it


Beths rules are in place because the last time they attempted paid mods, a lot of mods were, quite literally, stolen from Nexus and uploaded to the Steam Workshop with a price tag(All from mod authors who were very much still active, even if they weren't updating their mods. That isn't okay. Though, even if the mod had been abandoned, you still shouldn't take someone elses work and try to sell it.). On Nexus it isn't uncommon to see multiple mods that do exactly the same things, sometimes slightly different, sometimes not at all. Just because a mod exists for something, doesn't mean that someone else can't make their own mod that does the same thing. That's like saying a modder who retextures the mountains gets sole rights to retexturing the mountains because they put out the mod first.


Beths rules are not the rules of Nexus, last time I checked. There's nothing wrong with friendly competition amongst modders who volunteer to make mods and release them for free. Obviously, you can't take someone elses mod and upload it as if it were your own without permission, that makes sense because they did work hard on that, but nothing is stopping you from making your own mod that is similar to theirs, perhaps even better.

Edited by LordNyron
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You cannot upload a port without the original authors permission. This is the case even if the author has disappeared.

copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar



WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs.


Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright".


its the rules for consoles and beth so i think it would apply here too

for making something wich looks exactly the same is nearly like you took mod and ported it


Beths rules are in place because the last time they attempted paid mods, a lot of mods were, quite literally, stolen from Nexus and uploaded to the Steam Workshop with a price tag(All from mod authors who were very much still active, even if they weren't updating their mods. That isn't okay. Though, even if the mod had been abandoned, you still shouldn't take someone elses work and try to sell it.). On Nexus it isn't uncommon to see multiple mods that do exactly the same things, sometimes slightly different, sometimes not at all. Just because a mod exists for something, doesn't mean that someone else can't make their own mod that does the same thing. That's like saying a modder who retextures the mountains gets sole rights to retexturing the mountains because they put out the mod first.


Beths rules are not the rules of Nexus, last time I checked. There's nothing wrong with friendly competition amongst modders who volunteer to make mods and release them for free. Obviously, you can't take someone elses mod and upload it as if it were your own without permission, that makes sense because they did work hard on that, but nothing is stopping you from making your own mod that is similar to theirs, perhaps even better.

too be honest sometimes i think maybe modding should stayed on pc only

sometimes most stolen mods are terrible broken ore implemented paid mods on consoles only XD mod authors needs food too XD (this is a joke) but seriusly majority has gotten feed up of console users those who ask i tell them get a pc ore dont ask for mods wich is nexus exclusive(most mods)

and i am a console userXD by choice

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You cannot upload a port without the original authors permission. This is the case even if the author has disappeared.

copyright is also prevent too make anything remotely similar



WHAT? That's total nonsense, even in the "real" business world. That only applies to art, music, or design. Not to computer programs.ÃÃÂ


Or how do you think would it be possible to have a free Apache OpenOffice. A set of programs which are re-implementations of Microsoft's Excel, Word, and others. And which almost looks like the original. Don't you think they would be kicked badly in the ass by MS if they had any rights on "similarity copyright".

Mods are created with proprietary software provided by Bethesda. They decide the licensing. In their eyes mods are the intellectual property of the mod author, superceded only by Bethesda themselves (they have the right to literally use your mod how they see fit).


It works best this way because less grey area, more protection supported by Bethesda.




You may also not be aware, but the reason the Nexus and Bethesda's relationship works is because Robin enforces the rules set by Bethesda. No stealing mods, no charging for mods.


It took a while to enable mod authors to get donations on here. That's why there are strict rules surrounding those.

Edited by B1gBadDaddy
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