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Dragonbone to scale retexture?


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Hey guys, good day can anyone retexture or reedit UV to make a dragonbone armor a use dragonscale vanilla texture.? thanks in advance


This is the concept


the skirt cloth could be the same :)

Edited by CyranGE
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You want that one replacing the dragonplate cuirass ?

EDIT: From what I'm looking at CK, the dragonscale boots covers the "scale" you pointed

Another EDIT: Unless you want me to replace both the cuirass and the boots

Edited by Krieger156
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Hmm sadly I can't get rid of the sole ._.
But I can make a replacement for both. Sorry, I'm not good at re-modelling yet. And I have no idea how to install blender nif plugins.

So.. is that okay ?
EDIT: If it's okay w/ you, you want to replace it both gender or just one of em?

Edited by Krieger156
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uhmm yeah you got me wrong. . . i dont need boots replacement of anything. . As you can see in the image it is a merge between dragonplate and dragonscale. . but as you can see the cloth and bone color of dragonplate part and dragonscale part is different. .so now my request is if someone can retexture any of the two part to make them have the same bone and cloth color

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