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So, i'm modding skyrim and there is a little problem, i just can't get the LOD to work, it looks super bad from distance, mostly the ground, and a little with water and trees.

I've installed DynDOLOD, and it confirms that it is installed.

Any help would be lovely!


Some exemples.

https://imgur.com/a/XGnrS, the first pick is without DynDOLOD the other is without.


https://imgur.com/a/xQdH7. just bad distant textures.


https://imgur.com/a/EuCAf, ENB.ini


https://modwat.ch/u/chontee, Modlist






You are not missing anything it generates more issues, than value...

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DynDOLOD is a tool that generates tree and object LOD. You will need to use a terrain LOD mod or generate terrain LOD with Oscape for improved distant terrain.

Edited by yausd
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