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I have an idea for a cool mod/character build: the holy monk.


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The idea is for a new character build, the holy monk/priest. The holy monk uses holy weapons like prayers & exorcisms, a crucifix, a holy bible, the rosary, holy water & salt, etc to fight demons, false gods, draugr, vampire, etc. He could use holy swords but only when they have been blessed by a bishop. The Holy Priest relies on charisma and personality, fortitude, and shrewdness. He is not a battle mage. If he steals, fornicates, kills, then he incurs a penalty to health and stamina because these things are not good for the heart, soul, and conscience. The holy monk draws his strength from God and because sin separates from God, if the holy monk does unconscionable things then his strength and health will suffer. In order to be restored, instead of going to a shrine he could goto a church and goto confession! He can convert humanoid enemies by prayer, preaching, and by Divine Intercession. He can banish unholy enemies in the game in similar ways. There are endless possibilities as far as quests go: exorcisms, retaking desecrated places, converting sinners, destroying pagan temples, altars, and idols, etc. Instead of summoning, the holy monk can call on the Holy Angels to fight by his side; instead of destruction he has access to holiness and divine intervention, so things like plagues, famine, blood and fire, are not out of the question, for restoration there can be sacramentals and prayers and blessings.


would anyone be interested in something like this?

Edited by irswat
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