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Clothing mod help


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I'm new to modding. I'm hoping someone could walk me through the process to put one outfit's top on another's bottom. I want to make an outfit that has the bottom of the Merc Grunt and the shirt from Memphis Kid. I know, I know, it's really simple and not spectacular. But, I would mostly be making it for myself. I hope to one day get really good at clothing modding so I can make whole new outfits and such.
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You will probably have to do it this way:



Pretty sure the merc grunt doesn't have separate top and bottom so you will have to cut away what you don't want.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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You will probably have to do it this way:



Pretty sure the merc grunt doesn't have separate top and bottom so you will have to cut away what you don't want.

Thank you, good sir.

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