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You know what i hate?


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i hate what they have done to the reptiles of agoniens in the game... there feets was cool in morowind and the face... they got a new body in oblivion that dont got the same building as the old... i hate it!!!


//sorry fore my bad englis//

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anyway i like ff 7 you dont

no reason to beat you around the head with my playstation because of that



I really wish everyone else i reluctantly admit that i hate FF7 was as cool headed about it as you are

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I hate seeing the majority of daily mods involving bikini armour or thong underwear armour mods.


I hate that most would rather have Oblivion totally converted to a Final Fantasy-esque mod.


I hate it when people give mods 10's only becuase the character is ANOTHER whorish elf.


I hate it when someone manipulates my words to make others believe im sick pervert, even though im not.


I hate commercials on the television that advertise pills.


I hate it when good bands that only a few people know about go mainstream.


I hate people who litter on the highway.

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i have the sme vendetta against half life 1 2 and portal actually

over rated fps claptrap i cant stand for more then a few minutes


Half Life was rightfully considered one of the best FPS out there at his period.

It was out together with Sin and Shogo, two other very good games that sold next to nothing vs their potential just because HL monopolized the market.


I really loved the game so I strongly disagree with you. Just out of curiosity, what did displease you so much in this game ?

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its a first person view shooter

i dont like fps games in any form what so ever


half life was the first fps with an inkling of a story but nothing more then that an inlking of a story that wasnt resolved with half life 2 which seems to be a valve thing dont explain anything thats the whole story you see

there wasnt much of a story in half life other then the interactive start and the enigmatic ending

which is not at all resolved in half life 2 its dropped

the whole platforming element of half life i found dodgy as wel


i played turok dinosaur hunter and while its not nearly as hellish as that ( jump on poles no thicker thena dime and if you fall you are very very much dead ) it is stil infuriating enough


the controls of the vehhicles on the xbox 360 version also drive me to want to break the dvd in itty bitty pieces


it all boils down to that i dont like fps games very much the only first person view games i like are adventure games rpgs and point and clicks not shooters


i understand what half life was and that it was important for the development for first person view shooters but that doesnt mean i have to like it

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Half life got one of the best storys ever. It is longer then the story elder scroll maket about tamriel... it is a good game whit a good conektion, From half life 2 and half life 2. And if you play it then there is a reson fore everything and not just somthing random whitout and explonation. I hate when people say a game is bad becudes they dont lige the game style... that only means that they dont like it not same thing as it is a bad game.
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i am not going to debate this

what i saw of the story of half life 2 did very little to impress me and i played until half way through untill i was sick off it

there is aboslutley no explanantion

why is there a direct connectionto ravenholm why is father grigori running around with a gun and why does he commit virtual suicide

..other then giving you a shotgun and point you the way other then that thank you very much


when peopel say a game is bad its exactly that because they dont like it

i dont like half life i dont enjoy the game play or the story line so i label it as a bad game

and thats my opinion and mine only


simple as that

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anyway i like ff 7 you dont

no reason to beat you around the head with my playstation because of that



I really wish everyone else i reluctantly admit that i hate FF7 was as cool headed about it as you are



honestly ?

its just a game a game i have been playing for almosta decade now a game i like

but a game non the less

there are more important things in the world

you cant be forced to like it and i am not going to force you either

you dont like it and thats fine with me


as long as others dont try to force on me what they like and i dont *cough half life cough*

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no ones trying to force you to like enaything. somone is trying to make you understand that dont like a game and a bad game aint the same. Its fine if you dont like half life but that aint mean its bad. Oblivion is a great game yes? but becudes a person dont like it is it then a bad game? no oblivion is still a great game even when he dont like it, that dont cange it. And i can answere all your qustiens yuo came whit.
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If you think I am trying to make you like Half Life, you could not be farther from my thoughts.

I just asked, "out of curiosity" (quote) what you disliked about it.


From what I understand you don't like this kind of games. You replied, fine.


However, apart from the story, which could be questionable, it offered an awesome gameplay and a huge variety of situations.

The giant monster inside the silo which couldn't see but only hear you was pure genius.

When marines set in, their AI was so great that you had to think about every single step.

And the warehouse where you first encountered assassins has been a nightmare to solve for many nights.

Not to mention when you had to take down the helicopter from the waterfall or when you had to open a passage thanks to the marines' air strike...


Many memorable videogame moments concentrated all in the same title, believe me.

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