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Custom Worldspace Assets Disappear at Distance


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As the title suggests, this is about a custom worldspace or cell issue that has annoyed me for a very long time and which I am now getting very tired of. I keep learning new things on how to create a custom world in Skyrim, either by copying what others have done (decent way to learn) or go at it blindly.


One issue I've never quite understood what the cause is and how to solve it is the case of assets vanishing inside the worldspace. For example when I've built a fairly large world with assets in it and then visit the cell, the assets will appear next to me, but the further away I move from them, they will start disappearing/get "halved" until they're gone. This is especially visible on large structures, they will slowly vanish the further away you go. This isn't a massive distance either, just one or two cells away, where these would still be visible.






I am figuring this has to do with the camera, since going through the cell with TFC has the assets vanishing and appearing depending on how close or far away the camera is, I assume this is a change that has to be done with the camera, any suggestion from those versed in world building on what the cause is and how I can resolve it.


Topic of the image; this is taken from the Vigilant mod by Vicn with Volkihar castle textures slapped onto it, this area is Coldharbour themed, the sky is messing up in this shot, but it's supposed to be firery and bloody. In case someone wondered where the White Gold Tower came from.

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I'm having the same problem. Tinkering with the options in Worldspace->My Worldspace just seemed to make things worse. The only thing I haven't tinkered with is the camera data section in the worldspace I'm working on. Will report back if I come to a solution.

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Hi guys. Have you generated LOD for your worldspaces?


"assets will appear next to me, but the further away I move from them, they will start disappearing/get 'halved' until they're gone." Sounds like missing LOD. I had this issue for years until I finally got annoyed enough to do something about it.


I used 2 tutorials to create LOD. First, I started with "Lady of the Moon" tutorial to generate LOD within the CK. She adds images, and writes very clearly.



Sadly, that didn't do enough in my case, and I ended up with purple mountains, but her images and the CK section was still very useful. Once I had the CK parts done, I used Hoddminir's tutorial on generating LOD with Oscape: https://www.darkcreations.org/hoddminir/generating-lods-for-your-worldspace


That tutorial says you have to make your mod an .esm to work with Oscape...I did NOT. So maybe the newer Oscape doesn't require an .esm anymore, or maybe I've been lucky. Anyway, I used Lady of the Moon's tutorial for the CK section, then switched to Hoddminir's tutorial from the point where it reads "Continue to generate the landscape LODs with Oscape." Oscape is also available for free.


Both tutorials require you to use vanilla LOD Source files, and I found the ones from Iguanadon to be the most useful: http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4079-skyrim-vanilla-lod-source-files/


I don't know if it's necessary, but if you still have issues with trees, etc. after doing all that work, you could also try the TES5LODGen tool: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62698/


Hope those links help. For me, it was a combination of 2 tutorials that did it, but at least I have LOD now.

Edited by Ahondara
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