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Help: Can't buy rabbits after adding new breeds with Totally Tubular Toolkit


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I'm not entirely sure how to preface this thread without sounding awkward or rushed, because I'm in a bit of a panic. I'm in need of someone willing to troubleshoot / message me who's familiar with the Totally Tubular Toolkit by Lavapulse, because, as the title says, I've encountered an error(?) that prevents me from buying rabbits from Marnie after tinkering with the toolkit and adding other breeds of rabbits to the game. I've tried enough basic troubleshooting on my end to realize that the problem is out of my inexperienced hands at this point.

I can confirm that the original BabyRabbit.xnb and Rabbit.xnb files are in tact, and in the right folder, etc., so I'm not sure what the problem is...I'm 100% willing to send as many screencaps and provide as much information about the problem as possible.


Thanks so much in advanced. ♥

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