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ENB PROBLEM weird fps drop and now weird lag/freeze separate from fps


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enb is causing freezing for a second or half a second and causing 20fps less than normal and changing enb settings freezes the game momentarily and enb isn't fully saving all the changes i made for the next time i launch the game


38xx/xxxx what ever resolution(as close to 4k as dvi cable allows)


24gig ram

using cleanmem

144hs 1ms monitor

4930k cpu overclocked to 4.1mhz

skyrim settings on ultra

multiple 2k and 4k texture mods


basically when i started skyrim fresh in helgen i was not getting freezes or fps drops

suddenly outside bear cave no fps drop but when i get to the river i realised my particals were disabled no flame in hand no shock bolt happening ect ect

i fiddled with enb settings to turn them back on

BAM i start freezing occasionally and fps drops by 20 fps less than it was previously

Edited by skannerz22
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