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Form ID's Conflicting


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Hi all,


I've been working on transferring some old models to Skyrim, I've been using the tutorials here:

(mods please remove if links aren't allowed)


Anyway, the meshes are in the creation kit/game, and work. I have had both esp's working independently of each other, but if I try to use the two together they don't work since they both seem to use the same form id which is clearly not a good thing.

How can I change the form id of one (or both) of the model's so they can be used together? Or, if that is not the issue, what am I doing wrong?


Any help is greatly appreciated





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If you are trying to merge the two esp files you can Load both esp files and duplicate the items you want. when you duplicate them it creates a new form ID. when you save the duplicates will be in one esp with the other items that was original in it. Or as an alternative you could change the ID in TesVsnip as well as copy the information from one esp to the other.


If you are concerned about formID in the game and use both esp files you dont need to worry about it because the load order changes the first 2 00 in the ID so you can have as many items as you want using the same formid as long as they are a separate esp.

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If you are trying to merge the two esp files you can Load both esp files and duplicate the items you want. when you duplicate them it creates a new form ID. when you save the duplicates will be in one esp with the other items that was original in it. Or as an alternative you could change the ID in TesVsnip as well as copy the information from one esp to the other.


If you are concerned about formID in the game and use both esp files you dont need to worry about it because the load order changes the first 2 00 in the ID so you can have as many items as you want using the same formid as long as they are a separate esp.


Thanks for the speedy reply, so clearly it isn't the form id causing the issue. After the reply it occurred to me to load up the game with both esp's active. I typed into the console help <object 1> 0, and got the form id for object one, as you said it is different to that in the CK. For object 2, it seemed to act as if it didn't recognise the name of the object.

Once again working independently the items work, but together they do not, could there be a very silly error that I may have simply missed causing a confliction?

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Sounds like you are confusing FormID and EditorID. If you merged mods and they both have an object with the same EditorID, only the second one in the record progression will show up. make sure all objects have unique EditorIDs.
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From playing about with the CK, am I right in saying the Editor ID would be the name of the item (not the one displayed in game of course)?

So, in this instance the Editor ID for object one is NewIronAxe, the other object in question would be NewSteelAxe, both are in separate mods and share a Form ID in the CK, but as has been explained to me, that would not be the issue I'm having.



Edit: Managed to get both items in game, working and in the correct spawn points, however using the 'help <item> 0" command only works for one of the models, could there be a reason for this?

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If the names of the items are the same then only 1 will show. example EdID NewIronAxe and NewSteelAxe both sharing the name "My Axe". If you do help My Axe 0 then only 1 "My Axe" will show even though there are 2.


Are you suggesting that the help <item> 0 command searches the name strings? I thought it was searching edit id's

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It searches the name and shows what the id number is for the name when it finds it. If it doesn't find the exact name then it will list anything with part of the name in it. like "help goblet 0" brings up multiple items but if you added a completely new goblet and named it simply "goblet" only it would show in the search results because the game found the exact item and search immediately finishes.
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It searches the name and shows what the id number is for the name when it finds it. If it doesn't find the exact name then it will list anything with part of the name in it. like "help goblet 0" brings up multiple items but if you added a completely new goblet and named it simply "goblet" only it would show in the search results because the game found the exact item and search immediately finishes.


Thank you so much! I found my issue, Since the name has a space, you can't search for the full name. Issue Solved :)


Many thanks to everyone who helped with this.

Edited by Bumblebee25
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Thank you so much! I found my issue, Since the name has a space, you can't search for the full name.

Sure you can. If you're searching for, say, "My Super-Spiffy Axe Of Supreme Killingness", then you would type

help "my super-spiffy axe of supreme killingness" 0

into the console. Note the quotes around the name this time (and that capitalization doesn't matter). :)


(Of course, this is an obviously contrived example -- you could more quickly find it by just typing "help killingness 0" -- but it should illustrate the point nonetheless.)

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