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Information Needed - Crafting My First Mod


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Hello there, Merry Modders!


I'm currently in the process of creating my first serious mod with the Creation Kit, after a couple of weeks of learning.


Three questions popped into mind, and I hope you'll be able to answer these:


  • I might have figured out this on my own by the time you've answered, but I'll include it anyway: What's the easiest and yet most professional way of including a song of your own to play in the background in a certain area, like the soundtrack does?
  • Does Bethesda care if you include original music by a professional musician, as long as he/she has given you full consent and is included in the credits?
  • When working in the CK, the needles and foliage of trees are often obscuring my view (Yes, I'm making a rather dense forest), so I was wondering if there's any way at all to hide these when modding?

Thank you.

Edited by MojoRises
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yeah you can hide the trees from your view with alt +T

For the sound part, i honestly don't know, i have not been using any of it so far, except from changing default dungeon sounds etc.

Well if you are allowed to use the copyrighted material or have a licence of some sort you should be ok.

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yeah you can hide the trees from your view with alt +T

For the sound part, i honestly don't know, i have not been using any of it so far, except from changing default dungeon sounds etc.

Well if you are allowed to use the copyrighted material or have a licence of some sort you should be ok.


Thank you ever so much for that. Makes my work a million times easier, at the very least!


As for the rest, hopefully someone else might have an answer then. :whistling:

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