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Vectors (weapon) mod request


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Ok, so I would like to request this, a mod to add a unusual sort of weapon...

First this is what "Vectors" are, this.

If you don't want to read the whole article what they basically are is telekinetic controlled "arms" that are much more faster and stronger then flesh arms as they can slice flesh and bone easily, deflect/stop bullets, and grab and launch objects at great speeds. But have limited range (between 3 Meters and 11 Meters range)

Now, I know all of this would be terribly complicated, so I will list my ideas of how it would be most possible to make this,


Basic: A melee weapon that has a range of 3 meters, that doesn't have any animation on the user, but can be holstered and drawn, possible with a little message saying "Vectors activated/deactivated." or a sound or nothing at all, they would have a random change of doing visual damage as if they shot, cut, or make it "explode" where the player "shot" the vector at, what I mean is that for example, if I shot a NPC in the head, it would have a random chance of cutting it off, making it explode, or just hitting it.


Complex: This may be the hard part. Since Vectors can throw objects at their enemies, I don't know if possible, but the idea would be: for example, I aim at let's say a teddy bear, then I press a button, preferably like secondary-fire or something, then, if the teddy bear is at a distance of 3 meters or less, it would bring the teddy bear to me and hold it as if Z-grabbing, until I would press right click to let it go, or press primary-fire to throw it much like a rock-it-launcher.

Regarding deflecting/blocking/etc bullets, this one isn't of that much priority to me, but the idea would be, pressing some key, then it would temporarily activate a full-body armor with a LOT of durability, this would take AP and drain them moderately quickly, to deactivate one would let the key go, or press it again. But preferably keep it pressed then let go.


Misc: I know this isn't a regular thing to do, don't know if is even possible as I have little experience with the GECK and stuff.

I will give kudos and thanks to he who develops this.

"Vectors" come from an anime called "Elfen Lied", it's a good anime.

The vectors should have no ammo cost, unbreakable(as in durability,) but should cost AP depending on what they do (IE: 5 AP to perform a single attack, (10 AP/second for the bullet shield thing, and 15 AP to shoot an object.

As they are overly stronger then flesh arms,(cutting thru wood/rock/bone easily) they should do about 100 - 150 DMG, also I didn't mention, but they are also incredible fast, so you should be able to do an attack-after-attack like x5 faster then normal melee guns.

They should only have 3 meter range. (except when throwing an object. But can only grab objects in a 3 meter radius.)

Should be able to grab about every thing that's z-grabbable, including heads, bodies, and arms :P should launch objects at about the same power like that of the rock-it launcher.

If you are reading this line then it is most likely because you read the whole thing, so thanks for your time! and hope I wasn't very annoying or made it overly-long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is definitely within the range of the skyrim scripting language. You'd have to be good though........better than I am / ever was. So learn to script, or find someone who does lolz


Mostly because it would be for Fo3 not Skyrim. XD

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