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Why do my mannequins keep unequipping what I give them???


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The title pretty much says it all: I created a cell, put some mannequins in, loaded the mod, got to my cell in-game without coc, Put some armor on those mannequins, went in and out of the cell a couple of times to make sure everything was in order, and it was. I was out doing quests for some time (not sure how long, maybe 4-5 in-game days) and when I got back all the mannequins had the armor in their inventory, but unequipped. Since I put quite a lot of mannequins for all the different armor types I can find, it's really annoying to have to take the armor from their inventory and then give it back for them to equip it, and do that for every single one.


Any help would be much appreciated!


Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker.

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I would say it is the outfit issue.

Presumable you made them as normal actors and assigned to each Outfit=none.

In short that means every time you go away (so they would unload) they will revert to their basic outfit (none in your case).

I don't know how you made them but using starter kit from my mod might help. It is intended for followers but should work in your case too.


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Edited by fLokii
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I would say it is the outfit issue.

Presumable you made them as normal actors and assigned to each Outfit=none.

In short that means every time you go away (so they would unload) they will revert to their basic outfit (none in your case).

I don't know how you made them but using starter kit from my mod might help. It is intended for followers but should work in your case too.


TCG Tradable companion gear


First off, A HUGE THANKS FOR REPLYING!!!!!!!!!!!! You're actually the first person who bothered to help me.


Figured it out myself, but thanks anyway. Although, you nailed only half of the problem. In this case I used the mannequins from Hjerim, so I started looking for what might have changed when I was copying them, but nothing did. And yes, they had the Outfit=None thing, and yes, they reverted to nothing equipped because of that, but that wasn't the core of my problem. I almost started pulling my hair out when it struck me: maybe it wasn't the mannequins, maybe there was something about the very cell that made them unequip armor. And bingo!


The Hjerim house had one significant difference in its properties (thank God I went and checked it): Under the "Interior Data" tab the "Encounter Zone" was set to "NoResetZone". Since I already went through the mannequin's properties and saw the very Outfit=none that you mentioned I knew I nailed it. So I went testing. I use BloodCoinsNormal with Wars in Skyrim IV, so my DungeonRespawnTime is set to 2 days. (I knew for sure that it was 2 days because the 3 Dremoras I put in one of the rooms to harvest Daedra Hearts were respawning exactly every 2 days. I didn't check on mannequins while harvesting). I put some armor on some of the mannequins and fast travelled all across Skyrim (it seems that it's faster to lose time that way, Markarth-Riften relation, compared to waiting), did one quest and came back after approximately 2 in-game weeks, and guess what?


Everything was exactly as I left it: the mannequins had the armor displayed, even one door I deliberately left open was still open. Too bad I had to erase the Dremoras room because they didn't spawn anymore, but I can make another cell for them.


BTW, I love that mod of yours. Now I have naked Lydia walking around Breezehome :P Endorsed!



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  • 2 years later...

I'm having the same problem, in all my mannequin areas but I don't understand the solution. Can you elaborate? Looks like you went into the creation kit and found outfit=none. Where? Where do you find the mannequin's properties? What do you change it to?

Edited by seajae
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