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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×

Issue: .. Absolute Nothingness at Launch,


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So, back in November, purchased Skyrim, installed. Launch games, added mods, fun times had by all. SWTOR came out, played that for a tad....friend gets new computer...and Skyrim.


Enter today: Decide to play new character on Skyrim with new mods. Delete Local Content from Steam... Reinstall. Download NMM. Run. It suggest I run Skyrim first, as an ini has not bee created yet, notice old mods still in list....whoops. uncheck em. Try to run Skyrim......Launcher appears, click "Play".....and darkness..... pitch black screen. Alt-tab, Windows key, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-F4......no response.....wait 5 minutes.....restart computer.


Okay....maybe the leftover mods cause problems....Delete Local content....go to Steam Folder this time.... /steamapps/common/Skyrim.....Delete everything inside.... Reinstall from disc, patch...try to launch through NMM..... Launcher starts...Click Play. Black screen..... Usual attempts to exit.....fail. Restart Computer.


Computer reboots. Delete NMM. Maybe it was interfering with the fresh install. Delete Local Content. Reinstall Skyrim. Patch. Attempt to load Skyrim through Steam...... Click "Play" on Launcher.....Black Screen, can't exit.... Restart Computer.


Search internet.... not much... maybe I can't find the right words. Find one guy who posted similar but different problem. His problem solved itself when he reseated his graphics card..... Shutdown computer.... Clean out an eons worth of dust. Reseat My Geforce GTX 285.... Even have it set better than my first attempt long ago... Turn on computer.... Reinstall Skyrim.... try to run from Steam/Launcher...... Black screen.... restart computer.


Get fed up, and post on forums. Any ideas?



Currently verifying cache integrity....And done: no issues. Turned off the stupid cloud sync. Going to run SWTOR to see if it still works....Edit: It does... thank god..cause that means my video card isn't busted.







After clicking "Play" in the Launcher, my screen goes black, and I can't escape the black screen. Apparently, windows is still running, as I heard the little "bloop" noise as a friend tried to message me once...the rest was silence. All attempts to exit the black screen fail, except for a forced restart.

Edited by LancerChronics
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