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Hades Mod


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I'm sure we can all agree that not every Dovahkiin has a heart of gold, well, at least I don't.

What kind of villain walks around all bland and honest like some boring "hero"? I have a proposition

that can change this, this nasty peasantry, permanently and make you into the baddest of the bad.

I was thinking just now, "hey I'm a pretty bad dude how come i don't walk the walk? Why can't i be a badass like...like.....LIKE HADES!"

Then it hit me.


Do you guy know that awesome effect when you have max sneaking skill? The cool blackish effect almost

like a shroud every time you crouch.., well what if you could somehow use that effect for when you walk.

Think about it. "How badass could this guy be? Not only does he slay dragons, steals my s***, bangs my wife, is drunk 24/7,

harasses the bard to keep playing his annoying theme song, kills our children, FLYS, and f***ing MOVES IN A SHROUD OF DARKNESS WHILE INVISIBLE!!"


bad ass.


so, whaddya say?


Edited by KiteRed
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