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NPC Editor issues with spouse HEAD


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For some reason I can't get NPC Editor to work properly with Ysolda. Everything appears as it should (armor etc.), but her head still remains the same (original head).


Prior to discovering this mod, I did a couple of things which I wish I didn't.


1) I married Ysolda (the ordinary method with no console commands)

2) I made Ysolda a follower

3) I changed Ysolda's race to Khajiit

4) I changed Ysolda's confidence level to 4

5) I removed clothing and forced equip new clothing



I've tried typing "recycleactor" into the console command, and then tried the mod, and it still didn't fix the head problem. (I'm trying to edit the Khajiit race on Ysolda)


Now, everytime I enter a room or map where Ysolda is, the game has an 80% chance of crashing to desktop.



What should I do now?

Any help would be really appreciated!

Edited by Kevintjh
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This sounds like a rather detailed problem. So I'm not sure I have a real answer but..

In the Creation Kit you can regenerate NPC face-data by selecting the a NPC item in the list, then pushing Ctrl+F4.

(This fixes the neck-line colour issues when editing NPC faces.)


Maybe.. Just maybe that will help?

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I think the "recycleactor"command actually does reset the npc so maybe it does undo my progress with that character.


However, I tried it again with Aela the Huntress (Khajiit) and the game just kept crashing until I gave up.

Is there something to do with changing the race of an NPC instead of just altering minor tweaks to their faces?


How do you do the Ctrl+F4 trick? Sorry I'm new to mods so I might need pretty detailed instructions. Thanks again!

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Sorry to be a pain, but I'm still a little confused...


Is the Creation Kit a specific program which you have to buy/download?

In other words, I need to first use the NPC Editor and then use the ctrl+f4 trick through the Creation Kit program?



EDIT: I tried what I've been doing again, and this time after seeing my modded Ysolda with a dark nord head, I then loaded an older save data and my NPC-created head was there. However, there seems to be some rendering problem with the neck, so I tried the "setnpcweight" trick and Ysolda became headless!


Really need your help here.



Thanks, I really appreciate your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Main Question: Sounds like you don't have Creation Kit, and therefore your "modding" is being entirely done through console to a save file?


In which case, I cant help you.


But.. You might want to try getting the Creation Kit (Steam: View > Tools) and trying out proper modding with the help of some links:

here and here

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