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Prices not changing?


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I made a mod for myself that lowers the prices of component shipments, but for some reason when I try to buy one in game, the prices aren't changed at all. My mod isn't that complicated; I just changed the Value for each shipment to a lower number. Just for a lark I tried lowering the price of a couple of them to 1 cap, but it doesn't change in-game. Am I missing something? Is there more to changing the price of stuff in-game than simply changing the value of an item?

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If I recall correctly there's a checkbox that says "Value equal to parts" or something along those lines. If that's checked the value of the shipment won't matter, it will still have the value of the parts.


I'll doublecheck it when I get home if you can't find it. :)

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I just looked at it in Creation Kit- there is a checkbox called "Calc From Components" in the shipments' MiscItem window. Is that what you were talking about?


Yep, that's the one! I had to doublecheck now myself. Noticed that the value can't be changed if that is ticked though... not sure if that's different in FO4Edit.

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