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In-Game Loading Problems


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Hey guys,


I'll get right to it, I seem to have some in-game loading problems. I will be walking along or running, and textures just aren't loading on models. Sometimes I'll walk along, and rocks will just appear in front of me because they didn't load properly. Often grass textures don't load, and when they do the game freezes for a second or two, and then resumes after the grass loading.


It seems that the game is not caching perhaps. I have all load distances at max for distance. My PC isn't slow, I have all max settings and get 80fps all the time (I have an fps limiter due to the game stuttering once you get over 120fps) This issue is recent, I haven't had this problem before either.


Any help, or links to mods, just anything at all will greatly help. I can provide a video if anyone is actually keen to help with the issue :)


Cheers guys,


Andy (floomoo)

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