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Play the Flute?


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I'm completely new to modding. I've taken the liberty to go read up on the creation-kit wiki (Almost finished with them, but will re-read all of them again and again until I know them by heart).


So I've come up with a bit of a problem. I'm trying to get an actor to play a flute. So far I'm using an IdleMarker where the Actor will patrol to and start doing the flute animation. So far so good, until I try it in-game and realized that there isn't any "Flute Sounds".


I thought about it for awhile, and I tried setting up a trigger so that whenever the Actor uses the Idlemarker, it'll play the BardFlute01b (or something like that). However, when I test it, I hear the music (right after I load the cell) but not when he's playing his flute or in the IdleMarker.




Any help is much appreciated. I've always wanted to bring something to my games (and maybe yours in the future), and I think I'll take the first step with Skyrim's semi-user friendly creation kit.

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  • 1 month later...

Better late then never, I found a way to make actors play the flute:


1. Place a marker at the spot where the actor should play the flute.

2. Find the actor reference in its cell, open the edit window for its reference, go to the "linked ref" tab. There add a a new reference to the marker with the keyword "BardPlaySpot". Close this window now.

3. Open the actor npc, go to the "AI Packages" tab and add a new custom package. I used the package template "Travel" but others might work too. I also cleared all interrupt flags, thought it's probably not needed. There go to the "Begin/End/Change" tab and add a new script with these contents:

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname PF_custom_playflute_xxxxxx Extends Package Hidden

Function Fragment_0(Actor akActor)

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

Scene Property BardSongsInstrumentalFlute Auto

ReferenceAlias Property Bard Auto

Then edit the properties of this script, on the "Bard" property select "BardSongsInstrumental" as quest and "Bard" as alias. On the "BardSongsInstrumentalFlute" property select "BardSongsInstrumentalFluteonly01" as scene. Now you need to add "BardSongsInstrumentalFlute.Start()" to the "On Begin" papyrus fragment. If all went well the script should compile without an error.


Now save the plugin and give it a try, if the npc doesn't play its flute when you load an old savegame you might have to issue "resetAI" on the console.

Edited by Grimsonius
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  • 3 weeks later...

This may be a bit late, But Once I made a new script I does not give me the properties as you mentioned. And I cant seem to edit the On begin/end/change. Maybe im doing somting wrong but Im out of options, I also wanted to do this for a long time..


To be exact what i did:


-Placed "Play flute marker"

-Linked the actor NPC to the marker in linked ref tab. Keyword "Playbardspot"

-Opened the actor NPC edit tab.

-Went to "AI package" and made a new one, Removed the old ones.

-Went to "On begin/end/change" Tab, And made a new script with your above info.


And thats where i got stuck.

Edited by thomthom44
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