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I created an NPC, how do I spawn him through console command?


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I created an NPC that is involved with a quest I made. (from the tutorial)


I would like to just spawn this npc to fight him. I made him a high level and hes fun to fight. But I dont like having to go to the place where I put him and have to reload the game everytime I kill him. Id like to be able to just to spawn him in a location of my choosing.


I see in Creation Kit where if I hover over his name...it will give me an 8 digit number/letter combination. But when I do the command Player.placeatme xxxxxxxx 1 .... It does nothing.


Any way I can spawn my npc? any help would be appreciated it!




Hes not unique, hes not diabled until a quest starts, so im not sure why i cant spawn him! eHEhe!

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player.placeatme xxxxxxxx where the x's are the npc id code.


Here's the command info http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29#player.placeatme_.3Cbase_id.3E_.5Bamount.5D


Ty for trying to help but I know this my character ID thing is.. 01001d8d... and when i do player.placeatme 10010d8d 1.... It gives me an object error and wont spawn him :(

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I would guess there's something wrong with your mod or you have the wrong baseID.... not sure though since that command works for me.



oOo i got it now. Incase anyone else has the same problem. I didnt know that the 01 ...in id number stood for what pluggin its under. And my ESP is loaded at number 17... So i had to make it 170073c1.... Which was strange cuz under my NMM load order says my esp was number 02. sOo anyways, it works , im pleased heheh

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