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skyrim random ctd's and trying to quicksave ctd's with papyrus log and load order


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Hello i've been getting random ctd's and exterior aswell as interior ctd's they used to be caused by a setrelationshiprank on a none object variable error but now that i removed a mod that was causing that "apprentice of the thuum" i decided to keep playing yet im still getting ctd's every now and then it's making me nervous and forces me to constantly quicksave my game to prevent losing much progress from a ctd, im going to post my specs a pastebin with the error and my load order in a way to not over-spam this message, i would appreciate if a modder or someone with great knowledge about modding could help me out.


my papyrus log before it crashed




my load order




my specs




my papyrus skyrim ini files etc..


first the skyrimprefs




now the ini skyrim file




I was in brithleshin pass it seems this peculiar crash was caused by a magictrap maybe the frost rune trap that exist in that dungeon, wonder what caused that ctd.





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