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I have a challenge for the willing...


I will challenge any of you crazy enough to do the following:


set difficulty slider to 100

make a wood elf mage with the steed birthsign. Make a custom class, have only magick in you maj/minor skills. Your attributes should be endurance and agility.

Specialization should be sneak

Play all Fighters guild, Thieves Guild, and Redoran quests. And the main quest.


If one would so choose to take this challenge on, I would hope one would set up an online journal.


Good luck, you crazy ph001z

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man i did that with a female breton... though i did have h2h i got to lvl 32 finished fighters quests, all theives guild(except all of the bal molagmer) and didnt touch redoran then i deleted it as i was deleteing old save files because i had too many...
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i tried that last year in april...i kinda died alot, it took me 24 attempts to get through to dagoth ur, and 41 times to kill the heart...then i forgot to save after killing the heart, its a insanely hard challenge, and i will never to that again.
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