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[LE] Need help with Arthmoor's Alt Start Mod

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I've not been successful in finding solutions to a problem I keep facing whenever I decided one day to make an alternate start mod off Arthmoor's work. Prior to starting it up on Creation Kit, I've updated the mod to its latest version and ESMisfied it using Wyre Bash.


Ready to go I tackled this difficult challenge. Created a new entry in the "Player Dialogue" tab found in ARTHLALChargenQuest entry, set a topic and following response and assigned the mara statue, then came the part where I was stuck at. (Seen in the attachment)




From what I gathered in the article Arthmoor had written, I need to supply the topic info script with two properties, "ARTH_LAL_StartQuest" and "Quest". And just to make sure that I'm not doing anything wrong with my way of writing a script, I first wrote below the fragment of code:

ARTH_LAL_StartQuest Property AltStart Auto
Quest Property CustomQuest Auto
arth_lal_startquest I'm assuming is the property from arthmoor's. And the quest property I believe I should assign to is my custom quest which the player would start after sleeping?


Compiling it immediately came the errors. I'm somewhat positive that I've followed the instructions but I'm unsure what's going on. I thought maybe creation kit is missing some scripts? So I took it upon myself to using the BSA Browser to extract the script files and importing into the Data/Scripts folder -- nope, still the same.


Scratching my head here, have I missed something obvious? All I wanted to do is fill Skyrim with my silly fantasies lol


Extremely sorry for this long post.

Edited by skykitty
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  • 6 months later...

Has anyone actually answered this question? I'm also facing the same problem. The script keeps failing to compile for me.

Hey sorry for not updating this topic has it had been a while. Your answer however, may be found in the mod article itself in the comment section, I’ve also posted for help then resorted to personal messaging with the author himself. You should now see a possible solution

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