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[LE] [SCRIPTING] How do I reference a property in another script?

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Hopefully you know what I mean by property, because I am not sure if that is the right term.


So say there is a bool in another script called "SetPlayerOwns" and I want to reference that in a external ObjectReference script. I want to set this to "True" so how would I go about doing this?


Any help is very much appreciated.


Edit: Nevermind I found this:



Scriptname ScriptAName Extends ActiveMagicEffect
{I'm a script on a MGEF}

Int Property somePropertyYouWantToAccess Auto


Scriptname ScriptBName Extends ObjectReference
{I'm a script on a completely unrelated OBJREF}

ScriptAName Property SomePropName Auto 

Function coolStuff()
SomePropName.somePropertyYouWantToAccess = 2999349


Easy enough, I just needed the process.

Edited by Guest
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