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Negative Karma impact for stealing. Fair Value!


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I've decided to inject a negative karma hit for stealing custom items on a mod I'm working on. Forget what you know about the base game except what should be an exceptional karma hit. I want it to have a higher negative karma impact the more an item cost, but don't want it to be overbearing, side tipping, or lacking the ump to detour stealing.


Stealing something small should have a light impact, while stealing a Tesla cannon should have a more severe karma cost.


I've not messed around much with karma yet so I'm trying to keep it fair, yet not spend an exceptional amount of time on it, hence I'm here.




I already have a formula / system in place and it works fine. I'm mainly asking "Does this look good?". Any suggestions on improvements of values?




Here is my base formula implemented (it's part of a large script):


Int NegativeKarmaHit


Set NegativeKarmaHit to (MyValue - MyValue) - (MyPrice / 100 + 10)
Set MyValue to (MyValue - MyValue) - (MyPrice / 100 + 10)
RewardKarma Myvalue
MessageEx "You've lost %.0f Karma", NegativeKarmaHit
Set NegativeKarmaHit to 0



I have it set up so it notifies you the amount of the impact. (yep a pop-up on screen amount)

MyValue is the items cost

MyPrice is the items cost




Using this formula here are some results:


Item cost: 59 -10 Karma for stealing


Item cost: 111 -11 Karma for stealing


Item cost: 2740 -37 Karma for stealing


Item cost: 3999 -50 Karma for stealing


Item cost: 8147 -91 Karma for stealing




As you can see the higher the price the more negative karma you get.


I'd figure it would be much more, but don't want it overbearing. If you steal a bunch of items this will stack up.


Anyone know the base game impact for stealing? (for comparison)


The big question: Does this seem appropriate?




Thanks in advance for any input.



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