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Knocking people unconscious aka. blackjack


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I was wondering if there are any mods or if any are in development with the possibility to knock people out. I care a lot about immersion and for me it makes more sense if, for instance, guards knock you out or other criminals instead of cutting them down.

I would also love to be able to knock people out myself. I loved the blackjack from Thieves Arsenal for Oblivion and would really like to see one in Skyrim aswell!

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One can probably copy the effect from the paralyze spell I imagine, maybe apply a paralysis poison property to your hands when you're unarmed, while hitting them repeatedly while they are down kills them. Or by lifting an item in first person view and slamming it hard enough against an opponent. But it would look nicer with ragdoll physics I agree (paralyze makes them go stiff as a board) and that would need some more advanced scripting I imagine. Maybe nearby NPC's can 'shake' the person awake prematurely if they observe the knocked out person. I currently use paralyze to the purpose of knocking someone out, or pacify to avoid battle. It should not be too different. I hope someone includes it. :) Edited by Saratje
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I'm working on a similar mod.


I created a knock out perk in the stealth skill tree.


It gives the player a chance to cast a knock out spell on the target when the player is sneaking undetected and hits his target with a mace type weapon.


The spell sets the target unconscious and it prevents it from detecting the caster.


I'm also trying to figure out a way to force ragdoll.


I'm using the pushactoraway command. I just need to find a way to make the knock back state last for the duration of the spell. Any ideas? I'm so close I can feel it X-(

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