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Everyone constantly casts Ironflesh. I know right?


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Recently I noticed about every 5 minutes every npc in the world will suddenly get the visual effect of having Ironflesh or a similar alteration spell cast on them all at once, creatures, townsfolk, everything. They dont do the casting animation themselves but they still suddenly get the effect. It looks really bad and they keep flashing green for a few seconds, like shor suddenly blessed everyone with a bit o divine protection or something. Typically after this happens I will get 0 weapon damage bug as well, but I haven't looked into that yet could just be a disease in game. I noticed others had similar bugs with the magic absorb effect but the fix didn't seem to work the same.


This is on all my characters even a brand new one, I'm reinstalling Skyrim now so I will let you know if that works in case anyone is having a similar problem.


Honestly this has to be the weirdest bug I only just noticed how ridiculous it sounds when I was writing it, but you have to believe me its infuriating, may as well flash the words "You are playing Skyrim" onscreen. Everyone, every five minutes. Like clockwork. Even the chickens and bears for goodness sakes.

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