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Critical-boosting clothing mods


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I searched through some of the clothing category for items that will boost your critical chances and didn't see any. I didn't get through all of them though but I saw almost no mention of stats or stat-boosts under clothing aside from one of the armors. (I'm more of an agile guy than a tank guy at least in the FO games and would prefer non-armors that boost your critical chances.) Can anyone point me to stat-boosting clothing that ups your critical chances just like the vanilla Naughty Nightwear and red beret?


Seeing my character in something more like a mercenary outfit or duster would be great. I'm starting to feel like a Hunter S. Thompson wandering around in my leopard print pajamas and crazy beret. All I need is a martini glass in my other hand and I could unlock Gonzo Journalist of the Wastes!


I need some new clothes. I don't need stats that are higher than offered through Naughty Nightwear and the beret, just something aesthetically different. Suggestions? Thank you very much.

Edited by palaceman
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