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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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The com down in the war room bunker crackled again, "Mistress Traya, there are a couple of Jedi skulking about on the surface, I will destroy their ships after that they'll be going nowhere and be easy pickings, should I go ahead or should I leave it in the hands of Darth Argocity? "
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Jonalm Tenshil - Narshadda, Jonalm's Hut


Night shifted to day, and still Jonalm lay restless on his bed, constantly fidgeting with his blaster and lightsaber. As the hours had passed, Jonalm had reflected on the sickening dark presence he had felt. For reasons unknown, he couldn't shake the feeling of a similarity of this dark energy to that of another Jedi he had known many years ago. He couldn't remember her name, station, or even what she looked like at the moment, but the energy coming from her felt more benevolent that malevolent.


Eventually, Jonalm rose from his bed and went over to his computer. He logged in and pulled up his messages. There were three in there, all from his little circle of friends he still retained on Coruscant. Maluena Dakhani, Welyar Fielas, and Serznie Borogin.





Hello, my friend. I hope you received Orthard's message yesterday about how we are rebuilding. It's truly an exciting and monumental occasion! Just think, it'll be back to how it used to be. Our Council and our Order back to its former glory and strength, once again able to dispense justice and guidance wherever it is needed. I long for you to return to Coruscant, Jonalm. You've been wandering and personally experiencing so much for so many years. Even if you and most Jedi here do have mixed feelings toward each other, I have no doubt that your knowledge would be invaluable.


Sincerely, Meluena



Jonalm quickly skimmed over the other two messages; they all said essentially the same thing. After sending short replies to each, Jonalm procured some food and water from his footlocker and sat down at his small makeshift table for breakfast.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Traya then looked at the war-table and said. "It seems i am not needed for the eminent battle... but i shall return. I must take my leave back to coruscant, but make sure that Darth Dia Arruna knows how to contact me... i shall remain here for another while... but not long, the council will be wondering where Sia has gotten too." She then walked off into her chambers in the sith base, and allowed the illusion of youth to dissapear from her body, her face going corpse white, deep wrinkles all over her face, and black eyes, her hair graying completely. She sighed. "Youth, so tiring to keep up... just need to find another technique for it."


She got changed into a brown Jedi robe, with the hood up over her eyes.... She looked as she did millennia ago, when she was Kreia, but only in visage. Her face was much prettier, she had a thinner more defined nose, gaunt cheeks and a small chin... Still, the comparison was still there...

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Roy Aryss grew bored of searcjing for Wraith and Lynch and decided to visit a source on Genosis. he arrived in his ship and contacted a geonosian,"Stat your bisiness." He said in a stern voice.

The translator spoke out as the geonosian,"I want you to rid us of that sith using us to help in this war."

"Sith?" Roy said confused,"you want me to kill a Sith?"

"Yes." said the robotic translator.

"Price," Roy said holding out his hand.

"10 000 credits," the translator said robotically

"Fine," He said as the Geonosian giving him the money.

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Traya soon left the Sith base undetected, and found her way to the hangar, from there she got a shuttle: Unmarked, and not the same on she used to enter the planet. Back to Coruscant.


Once back on the planet the color returned to her skin, and her black eyes returned to green. She pulled down the hood of her robe and proceeded to the Jedi temple...


After a few hours she had explained her absence, she said she had gone off-world to collect an artifact to the archive... which the council believed true, and after changing into her archivist's robes, and putting her grey hair in a french plait, she returned to her duties in the archive...

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