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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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"Thank you Kaiden. But with a ship named like this do you really think it would be an imposter? Matters little. We are Boarding the tyranny Kaiden, a thruster was severed on the travel here, and the ship will not make it to the surface without repairs."


"Copy that, preparing for your arrival" he said

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The Edge Of Betrayal Boarded the Tyranny, flying into the hangar, it set down, it's landing gear extending until it reached the floor. The Loading ramp opened slowly, steam everywhere...


Kaiden clenched when the Edge Of Betrayal knocked over the 'deathshead' ships, he sighed, this hanger wasn't built for big ships, it was made to carry a few fighters and a bomber, and that was at max "Atten- Attention!" he said, snapping a salute

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First of all Traya's aides exited the ship, and stood either side of the loading ramp, there ligh-pikes ignited as they held them firmly in a guarding position, as still as a pair of statues. Traya then walked down the loading ramp, in a simple black velevet robe, the hood up shadowing her face, and her hands clasped together in front of her...
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First of all Traya's aides exited the ship, and stood either side of the loading ramp, there ligh-pikes ignited as they held them firmly in a guarding position, as still as a pair of statues. Traya then walked down the loading ramp, in a simple black velevet robe, the hood up shadowing her face, and her hands clasped together in front of her...


"Lady Traya, I must ask who was flying The Edge Of Betrayal because they need a serious rebuke and to go back to flight school, they just knocked over the ships belonging to the hero flyers of the stealth op"

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"The condition of the craft aboard your ship does not concern me in the slightest. But to ensure it never happens again..." Traya gestured for the pilot to come down


"Yes my lady?" He asked, unaware of what he had done.

"You are pathetic." Traya replied, she lifted him in the air and exerted force crush, only a much slower, more painful version. Normally death would be quick and instant, but traya held him in the air as his spine began to snap, each bone breaking individually, every organ popping, rupturing and exploding over the extreme pressure, with each crush the pilot screamed in agony, until, doubled over in the air, he breathed his last and Traya threw his body to the ground.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"The condition of the craft aboard your ship does not concern me in the slightest. But to ensure it never happens again..." Traya gestured for the pilot to come down


"Yes my lady?" He asked, unaware of what he has done.

"You are pathetic." Traya replied, she lifted him in the air and exerted force crush, only a much slower, more painful version. Normally death would be quick and instant, but traya held in in the air as his spine began to snap, each bone breaking individually, every organ popping, rupturing and exploding over the extreme pressure, with each crush the pilot screamed in agony, until, doubled over in the air, he breathed his last and Traya threw his body to the ground.


Kaiden was horrified by what happened, but hid it, he pointed to two crew members "Clean up" he said "And get a technition to check the 'Deathshead's' ships"

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Traya smiled in sadistic amusement, reveling in the horrified looks of the crew. "I wan't my thrusters repaired, i assume you have parts aboard this vessel?" Traya said, her striking grey eyes seeming to stare straight into Kaiden's soul. As she walked over the body, her Aides following.

Kaiden followed "I assume we have the parts" he turned to the crew "FALL OUT!" he shouted and turned back "I'll get someone on it right away"

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