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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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Xylak flew his ship to Tatooine, he picked up his transmitter and clicked the button on the side. "Master.. meet me at the podrace stadium on Tatooine, at night." He pressed the button once again and sent the message,


He landed on Tatooine. To his astonishment it was night already.


Xylak entered the podrace ground, starting line, only to see his master in a black robe,

His master was a tall, muscular man which was of the name Darth Agocity.


"Xylak, come here.." Agocity said, gesturing him over.

Xylak knelt at his feet,

"Now.. Xylak. Most simply, goodnight." The master said, drawing his saber and slicing Xylak's head clean off.


Agocity kicked the body to the side and walked toward the exit of the stadium.

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Jonalm Tenshil: Narshadda - Jonalm's Hut



Jonalm stirred slightly as the dirty sunlight filtered through his hut's only window. After a few minutes, he awoke and sat up in the bed. Another day, another slew of messages to read and send. - he thought as he arose. He took a bit of food from the footlocker next to his bed before heading over to the small, beeping, box-shaped computer over against the wall.


Jonalm pressed the button and took a seat as the machine whirred to life. Before long, a screen prompting him for his name and password appeared on the monitor. Jonalm quietly entered the information and the main data hub loaded up. He found his way to the messages section quickly and opened the inbox.


To Jonalm's surprise, the inbox was completely empty save one lone entry from his longtime friend and fellow Jedi, Orthard Malbrene. He curiously opened the message.





Terrific news! I've been telling you about it for years, but now it's finally happening! There's talk among the remnants of the Jedi Council about rebuilding the Jedi Order! I'll write again, soon, but right now I'm busy helping out. Talk to you again soon.


- Orthard


Jonalm read the short message several times over. The Jedi Council was planning to rebuild, and it seemed that the Jedi Order was well on the road to recovery. The Sith had been defeated, and the few survivors had fled across the galaxy, most in fear of being slaughtered by vengeful Republic soldiers. The old hermit certainly hoped that this was for real and not his old friend going all atither over a rumor. At any rate, he eventually closed the message and returned to his bed.


That's the problem out here...there's hardly anything to do except sit around and sleep. - he mused to himself.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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"Lynch, how long 'till we get a decent paying contract?"

"After what you did on that last mission, I doubt we will, wraith"

"Hey! It was her own fault!" The two mercenairies were arguing about how they lost their other mercenary, a girl, codenamed Minx. She had been lost after Wraith accepted a high paying but tough contract, something Minx, who had been on the team for a mere month, was defiantly not ready for. They had been going to the same bar for two months now, and either this place had suddenly became silent, or no one wanted to hire mercs who had lost a team mate. They waited in the bar for anyone, even if it had been to shoot womp rats they would have accepted it, but nothing came. The outer rim rarely lacked contracts... And Nar shadaa never did, Lynch was begining to lose hope.

Edited by Brutii
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OOC: Oblivion reference there, Brutii? :D



Jonalm Tenshil - Narshadda: Jonalm's Hut


Jonalm reclined on the bed and daydreamed as the morning turned into afternoon. Today was grocery day. He never did like grocery day. The town was an hour's walk away in pleasant weather, and it was a rotten excuse for a city. The people were constantly rude, the droids were sometimes even ruder, and you couldn't go four steps without seeing a prostitute, drug deal, mugging, or some other illicit act. The "police" were as corrupt as the rest of the populace to top it all off. Nobody there cared about anyone except themselves...except Jonalm. Even though he enjoyed showing kindness to them, he did sometimes tire of the flak he often received in turn.


Eventually, Jonalm rose from bed and checked his gear. Robe, check...lightsabers, check...blaster, check...handheld computer, check...medicinal and antidote injections, check. Everything seemed to be in order. He strode out of his hut and towards town.

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OOC: Oblivion reference there, Brutii? :D



Jonalm Tenshil - Narshadda: Jonalm's Hut


Jonalm reclined on the bed and daydreamed as the morning turned into afternoon. Today was grocery day. He never did like grocery day. The town was an hour's walk away in pleasant weather, and it was a rotten excuse for a city. The people were constantly rude, the droids were sometimes even ruder, and you couldn't go four steps without seeing a prostitute, drug deal, mugging, or some other illicit act. The "police" were as corrupt as the rest of the populace to top it all off. Nobody there cared about anyone except themselves...except Jonalm. Even though he enjoyed showing kindness to them, he did sometimes tire of the flak he often received in turn.


Eventually, Jonalm rose from bed and checked his gear. Robe, check...lightsabers, check...blaster, check...handheld computer, check...medicinal and antidote injections, check. Everything seemed to be in order. He strode out of his hut and towards town.


OOC: Nah, Lynch is a reference to The A Team, Wraith is a reference to Chuck, minx is a reference to oblivion, the other two being from it is only a coincidence


Lynch looked out of the canntina "Um, Wraith, we may have either a problem or a contract" he said

"What?" Wraith replied

"Thats a sith if I've ever seen one, and we aren't exactly on their good side"

"Still, they have money, lets keep an eye on her"

Edited by Brutii
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Aliana shifted through the crowd, until she reached a group of people. A trandoshan and a weequay were threatening a human male, demanding money, Aliana smiled and walked over:


"This man does not owe you any money, in fact you owe me every credit you have on you." She said, waving her hand.


"We owe you all of our money, here take every last credit." The two thugs said, brainwashed.


"Good, now you will throw yourself off this level, and die on the ground bellow." Aliana said cruelly. The two thugs ran and threw themselves off, dying with a sickening crunch, Aliana turned to the man and said "And you? you want to choke yourself to death." And he did so, and the evil sith woman stood laughing for a while...

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