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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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"Good boy. It seems unlike your... was it great grandfather? i can't remember the details... You show respect to your superiors." Traya said, walking through the ship, towards the bridge, she had her hands clasped together.


"Actually I believe it was my great great great great grandfather... however long ago puts him in the imperial navy, and he showed respect... usually..." Kaiden said, he felt it wouldn't be wise to cross a sith, but fighting for his families honour over powered every other emotion he had... even fear... to a degree

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"I never met him myself, i only heard of what the sith lord he insulted did to him. I was too busy jumping from body to body, as you do when you have lived for thousands of years." Traya said. She felt like she would not pursue the subject of Kaiden's grandfather, he had done good work, and insulting him would only bring mild and unsatisfactory amusement.
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"I never met him myself, i only heard of what the sith lord he insulted did to him. I was too busy jumping from body to body, as you do when you have lived for thousands of years." Traya said. She felt like she would not pursue the subject of Kaiden's grandfather, he had done good work, and insulting him would only bring mild and unsatisfactory amusement.


"Yeah, he was lucky he had connections, if it hadn't been for his exemplerary record, he would be dead... didn't do him that much good, that sith 'lord' still gave him a cripple. Took him 2 years to recover, and another 25 to return to his former health, by that time he was about to retire... of course, then the new death star was destroyed and it didn't matter any more any way"

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"Then your grandfather was either incredibly resilient, or that sith lord was weak. What i did to my pilot was.... kind to my usual standards. Now then, let me take a look at Geonosis." Traya said as they entered the bridge, many officers looking up in fear at the Dark Lord.


"The grand moff may have been slightly helpful with stopping him." He looked at the bridge officers, the last time he saw them this scared was when they lost all power in a pirate raid... and even then they weren't this afraid, come to think of it he was afraid himself... was it some kind of sith aura? "We completed the stealth operation, and we haven't been detected thanks to the asteroid fields, but if they do find us we're screwed without back up"

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"Screwed? Oh i think not... We have Dea Odette to thank for that... my little corrupter in the senate... she arranged for a huge fleet to be built... little do the senate know it is for the sith. Deception dear Kaiden, is the key." Traya said gazing out of the window, her face revealed by the light of the bridge.
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"Screwed? Oh i think not... We have Dea Odette to thank for that... my little corrupter in the senate... she arranged for a huge fleet to be built... little do the senate know it is for the sith. Deception dear Kaiden, is the key." Traya said gazing out of the window, her face revealed by the light of the bridge.


"I meant at the immediate time, it doesn't matter how many ships are being built... are we calling in the main fleet, there is only so long I can keep the Tyranny inside this asteroid field before it is hit or found"

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"You have the Dark Lord Of The Sith aboard this vessel Kaiden. The force does not only effect beings in this galaxy, it can warp the very fabrics of time and space. I can put up a field around this ship, to ensure it is not hit." Traya said, she lifted her hand and one of the asteroids that was near the ship set ablaze in cosmic fire, then exploded, all of the fragments then reformed into the same asteroid, and it floated away into space.
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"You have the Dark Lord Of The Sith aboard this vessel Kaiden. The force does not only effect beings in this galaxy, it can warp the very fabrics of time and space. I can put up a field around this ship, to ensure it is not hit." Traya said, she lifted her hand and one of the asteroids that was near the ship set ablaze in cosmic fire, then exploded, all of the fragments then reformed into the same asteroid, and it floated away into space.


"I sure hope the enemy is blind" Kaidon said, shielding his eyes from the explosion

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