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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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OOC: Traya put in the plans for the ship many years ago, and it was started 19 years ago... she has the money so why not.


"Your tone is begging to irritate me. I give the orders, as i command the sith, you willingly joined us because you hate what the new galactic alliance stand for. So give some respect to the leader of the sith, the one who apposes the new republic. Else you shall be destroyed. Now, it should arrive within the hour... filling a ship of that size is not easy." Traya said, her mood getting worse... it was not wise to agitate her in this state... it was when people started to die.

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OOC: Traya put in the plans for the ship many years ago, and it was started 19 years ago... she has the money so why not.


"Your tone is begging to irritate me. I give the orders, as i command the sith, you willingly joined us because you hate what the new galactic alliance stand for. So give some respect to the leader of the sith, the one who apposes the new republic. Else you shall be destroyed. Now, it should arrive within the hour... filling a ship of that size is not easy." Traya said, her mood getting worse... it was not wise to agitate her in this state... it was when people started to die.


"If a sith has to be on top so be it, but I want my great great great great grandfathers name cleared, and if the only way to do that is to reinstate the empire, then so be it" Kaiden said "I trust you chose a decent crew for your ship" he clicked a coms link "Warrent officer, is Lady Traya's ship repaired"

"Affirmative sir"


Edited by Brutii
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"Serve me well and his name shall be cleared. " Traya said in a kinder tone. She was different to other sith, she was for more patient, tolerable... most probably because she was once a jedi.


"I don't need you to clear his name, I just need the empire back"

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"The Empire? You think that is our goal? another empire... My, my... you have been partially misled. No, our objective is to Survive for the most part, and second only to that is the destruction of the Jedi... i hope that an empire will follow, an impressive boon indeed, but not essential." Traya said.
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"The Empire? You think that is our goal? another empire... My, my... you have been partially misled. No, our objective is to Survive for the most part, and second only to that is the destruction of the Jedi... i hope that an empire will follow, an impressive boon indeed, but not essential." Traya said.

"Not essential to you, to me it is" he almost added that he would use the sith if he had to, and kill them if it came to it, but didn't add it

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"My dear, the Empire if created will be the new sith empire. As was the last. Despite the politics and intrigue, at the top of the heirarchy was darth sidious, or palpatine as the galaxy knew him. But indeed, perhaps another empire is just what this galaxy needs.... i have no intention of seeing the stagnant beast that was the republic returning. And it shall be glorious to extract my revenge in such a way... But these plans are far ahead, many years from now will anything like this be implemented, we need to become strong enough to take the core worlds first." Traya said.


That was when The Heart Of Betrayal appeared in a lightspeed vortex, it was huge, about 30 kilometers long, nearly twice the size of the original eclipse class, it was Jet-Black, with lights of crimson red, the moment it entered the area it nearly blocked out the sun, and it's cannons readied to fire...

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"My dear, the Empire if created will be the new sith empire. As was the last. Despite the politics and intrigue, at the top of the heirarchy was darth sidious, or palpatine as the galaxy knew him. But indeed, perhaps another empire is just what this galaxy needs.... i have no intention of seeing the stagnant beast that was the republic returning. And it shall be glorious to extract my revenge in such a way... But these plans are far ahead, many years from now will anything like this be implemented, we need to become strong enough to take the core worlds first." Traya said.


That was when The Heart Of Betrayal appeared in a lightspeed vortex, it was huge, about 30 kilometers long, nearly twice the size of the original eclipse class, it was Jet-Black, with lights of crimson red, the moment it entered the area it nearly blocked out the sun, and it's cannons readied to fire...



"Break cover, engage only once that ship has fired at the enemy" Kaiden order, surveying the battle field, looking for anything that could endanger the new capital ship

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The Heart Of Betrayal's frontal superlaser charged up, the beams joined up and then fired, ripping one of the republic cruisers to pieces in seconds, then the battle started when the Fleet of sith ships arrived, all tiny compared to the sheer size of Traya's flagship... Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The Heart Of Betrayal's frontal superlaser charged up, the beams joined up and then fired, ripping one of the republic cruisers to pieces in seconds, then the battle started when the Fleet of sith ships arrived, all tiny compared to the sheer size of Traya's flagship...


"Pull up The Heart Of Betrayal's blind spots and weak spots now" Kaiden said "I want to know EVERYTHING about that ship"

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