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Darth Traya,,Heart Of BetrayalAboveGeonosis


Traya received the message as she was on the command deck, still gazing out of the window. "Ah Arruna... you have arrived my dear. I do hope you like my Flagship... Star destroyers are puny compared to this vessel... It is a fitting sovereign of the sith fleet. Come up to the command deck, i await you there." Darth Traya said, sending the message.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Arruna turned and spoke to the Twins ... "You will at all times refer to her as Mistress Traya when spoken to, you will not look into her face but keep your head bowed, you will

not speak until spoken to and you will at no time turn your back in her presence".

Now follow my lead but keep well away from her, she will kill you without batting an eye-lid".

Indeed milady Kinsa said and Koy just nodded, wondering what they had gotten themselves into.


Arruna approached the bridge and kneeled, Mistress Traya, it is so good to be back in your presence".

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Darth Traya, Heart Of Betrayal.


"I am sure it is Arruna. I am still very happy, this ships is certainly worth... i shan't say how much i payed for it's creation. Now, it has obliterated the Jedi ships and is more than capable of ripping a hole through Geonosis... but we have many sith in there. Indeed, we will battle the Jedi in personal combat in the arena, and they are already starting to fight." Traya said, now with her hood down, she turned around and looked at Arunna, and then at the twins. "And who are these two? Servants? No they look too deadly... assassins?"

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"Yes Mistress, assasins ... just the kind you like, merciless and unswerving in duty even to their death" ... Arruna motioned to the twins to step forward.

They bowed before Traya, "Mistress Traya", they said, "we are your humble servants and pleased to be in your presence, how may we assist you ?"


"We will join our mistress down on the surface" said Arruna where we will rid the galaxy of a few more jedi scum", said Arruna.

"Jedi ?", they asked incredulously ... moving quickly arruna said, "Indeed, Jedi".

We await your orders mistress" said Arruna.

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Darth Traya, Edge Of Betrayal/Geonosian arena.


"Either leave now, or wait for me to leak footage of this battleship to the Senate... they will be frozen with fear indeed." Traya said, she activated her personal computer, and leaked footage of the Heart Of Betrayal using it's superlaser to decimate the Jedi ships, and made sure the ship looked it's size, she then said. "Now then, i need to get changed, then we depart for the Arena." With that she entered her quarters and got changed...


She came out wearing an ornate black over-robe, which concealed her outfit under it's black velvet. She proceeded to the Hangar, and entered her personal transport, where she took it down, with Arruna and the Twins, to the Geonosian arena.

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The noise in the arena was deafening as Sith battled jedi and their allies ... multi-colored laser fire blasted from all all angles of the arena and ricocheted off it's walls.

The bodies of the dead and dying were littered all over the place ... Arruna wasted no time and leapt into battle with a shout of pure dark evil, "Time to die Jedi" she

screamed as she powered her cobalt light saber and rushed into the nearest group of Jedi.

The twins hot on her heels fired as they ran behind her.

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Darth Traya, Geonosian Arena.


Traya leapt off the ship and landed elegantly on her feet, she threw off her robe and her black dress was revealed beneath, with long gloves, a plunging neckline, tight's and huge platform heels.







Her long black hair was arranged like the day she rose from the coffin, only straightened at the back and the sides, still in a beehive like shape on top. She also wore a pair of disturbing earrings, they were a representation of a hangman. The noose was made of silver, wrapping around the golden man's neck, his body was limp and his eyes made of red gemstones, as was the same on each earring.


She ignited her Crimson red lightsaber, much darker than the typical red, and held it in one hand, she was a master of both the Makashi form and the Tràkata form, which she used elegantly and refined together.


As she was attacked by a jedi she held her saber lightly in her right hand, her left hand on her hip, she in a seductive pose, the jedi tried to bring his saber down hard onto her, but as she guarded, just as he was about to make contact, she deactivated her blade, it powering down and the jedi stumbling forward, she moved to the side and put the hilt of her saber to his throat, ignited her blade and killed him, before throwing him to the ground and engaging another opponent...

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Arruna suddenly saw Traya move like she left the world in slow motion ... and everytime things speeded up she left a trail of twitching bodies in her wake.

The jedi fell before her blade like grass.

"Quick follow me" Arruna said to the twins, as she spotted a mass of jedi turn toward Traya, "we need to thin their ranks before they reach her".


Kinsa and Koy ran straight toward a knot of huge Abyssinian warriors wielding laser axes, Koy fired off a volley of shots into their knees ... the group buckled and began falling ...

and as they did, Kinsa leapt into the air high above them and fired straight down into their skulls exploding green brains everywhere.

Arruna smiled as she saw the sisters ... "Yes with a bit of training they will be a most welcome addition to the sith cause", she thought.


Damn that was close she thought as a jedi perched on a huge pillar in the center of the arena began blasting at her with his laser rifle ... she ran towards the pillar and then in

one leap she bounded 4 meters into the air and slashed straight through the jedi's legs ... he fell to ground below and was trampled by a massive Kowakian monkey-lizard.

"To me" she cried gathering a group of sith, "cut them off" she pointed to the growing number of jedi who had turned their attention to Traya.

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Darth Traya, Geonosian Arena.


Traya smiled as the group approached, a dark and sadistic smile. "So you all wan't to face me? Very well, don't say i didn't warn you."

Traya then flung herself into the air and executed a Shun, in which she spun through the air in a 360 degree spin, her ignited saber in her hand, once she landed a few Jedi dropped dead, there heads split open in two. She engaged two Jedi at once using her fluent moves as a master of Makashi, before using the cho sun, and then the sai cha, the first move cutting off the Jedi's arm, the second decapitating him, she turned on the next jedi and performed a Mou kei, spinning her saber around and cutting him to pieces, she smiled sadistically as his dismembered body fell to the ground...


OOC: Be right back, please post without me, that way we can get back into it once i come back in about 10-15 mins :happy:

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Arruna and her assasins made quick work of the left flank that rushed toward Traya, both shooting and cutting their way through them within a matter of seconds.

"I wonder if they're the real jedi", she thought, "this seems to be far too easy or perhaps the jedi in their panic to destroy the sith had thrown even the younger not yet fully trained

jedi into battle to boost the dwindled numbers of the masters and trainers".


Anyhow the tide was beginning to turn and the sith sensed this and began pressing their attack ... the jedi were beginning to unconciously draw together into a last stand group in the center of the arena.

Arruna felt a shiver down her spine and licked her lips surely now was the time that the jedi would fall ... she looked over at Traya and asked, "Mistress what now

what will we do, cut them down or do you have other plans for them ?"

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