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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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Traya violently picked up Arruna by the throat, and said angrily. "It is not a melding of the mind! It is a force bond... and i know everything there is to know about them... One thing your master seems to forget, is that if i kill you... she will die as well, but for now, i think i shall give you and her a taste of the dark-side... for you to learn how, and for her to feel the pain any get for betraying the mistress of betrayal!" And then Traya let out a stream of force lightning to Torture arruna, knocking her to the ground.


"Status report officer. Now."

"Yes Admiral Karath, right away.... All systems at full capacity, no damage taken in the battle. The Heart Of Betrayal is at perfect capacity."

"Good... Dismissed officer." This was the voice of the Admiral of the new sith fleet... a descendant of Saul Karath. She was called Admiral Eva Karath of the sith fleet, commander of the heart of betrayal, second only to Darth Traya.


She contacted Kaiden via hologram. "Kaiden. This is Admiral Eva Karath, report to the bride at once."


Kaiden walked onto the bridge "Commander Kaiden reporting as ordered"

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Admiral Eva Karath stood gazing out of the huge window on the bridge at one of the suns of Geonosis. "Yes... Kaiden. I have yet to meet the man Traya speaks highly of... whom she promoted despite that being my job. So i would like to formally welcome you to the sith fleet, and i have just approved your promotion and choice of ship."






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Admiral Eva Karath stood gazing out of the huge window on the bridge at one of the suns of Geonosis. "Yes... Kaiden. I have yet to meet the man Traya speaks highly of... whom she promoted despite that being my job. So i would like to formally welcome you to the sith fleet, and i have just approved your promotion and choice of ship."







"You shouldn't look directly at the sun, it can damage you eyes" Kaiden said "Thank you maam"

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"Your welcome Kaiden, please contact me whenever you need. And my eyes are fine Commander. Now about the recruit you just promoted. Reason?"


"You know about that? News travels fast" Kaiden said, slightly surprised "Lieutenant Dominique is loyal and hard working, he's been my friend for sometime as well... he does lack some of the skills needed, but I'm sure he'll pick them up as he goes along"

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"But are you sure he can command a ship? I trust in your judgement, you have served well. But i need to know i am not willingly letting a man that will cost the lives of his entire crew because he cannot lead command a ship." Eva said, turning around to face Kaiden. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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"But are you sure he can command a ship? I trust in your judgement, you have served well. But i need to know i am not willingly letting a man that will cost the lives of his entire crew because he cannot lead command a ship." Eva said, turning around to face Kaiden.


"Well, he was my first officer, he is better qualified to command than any other man on the ship, and I doubt there are many high ups in this navy that are willing to command such a small ship"

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Eva smiled and said "I wouldn't mind commanding a ship like that again... those were the days, a small vessel, dogfights, stealth missions, glory. But i hope i have earned my place through being me... not through being a descendant of Saul Karath."


"I'm sure you have... having a high ranked ancestor in a navy has done me little good... of course, he was rather insubordinate, its a wonder they didn't just kill him"

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