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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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"Something else? How about some shots of truth serum, works well... but only if you get the right amount." Eva picked up a syringe of truth serum, and injected a quarter of the full amount. "Going to talk?"

"I...yes... wait... no, i won't tell you anything!"

"Oh so you do have something to tell me?" Eva said, injecting another quarter.

"I'm not telling you anything about me being a spy for the jedi!"

"Gotcha." Eva said with a smirk.

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"Something else? How about some shots of truth serum, works well... but only if you get the right amount." Eva picked up a syringe of truth serum, and injected a quarter of the full amount. "Going to talk?"

"I...yes... wait... no, i won't tell you anything!"

"Oh so you do have something to tell me?" Eva said, injecting another quarter.

"I'm not telling you anything about me being a spy for the jedi!"

"Gotcha." Eva said with a smirk.


Kaiden smirked as well, then said "Peoples responses to truth serum are always retarded"

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Though Arruna's body lay limp yet deep within her there remained a spark, a teeny tiny spark of awareness ... and it was from within that spark of awareness that she tried reaching out to Traya to tell her that now was the time to kill her old mistress Ral'Rai but Traya couldn't hear her.


No, wait, she felt Traya enter her mind and begin searching for Ral Rai ... Saved at last, thought Arruna to herself.

Darth Traya cornered Ral Rai and then just seemed to vanish into thin air as Traya blasted her

with the force.


Arruna thought she heard one of Trayas priests say, Surely she has been destroyed mistress,

No need to bother anymore, which was extremely stupid as no one told Traya what to do.

And then Traya was distracted by Kaiden on the bridge.


Arruna was at peace within herself, yes Ral Rai had been destroyed.

But no, as Traya had blasted her she had caused herself to vanish into Arrunas very fabric and it was also that at that moment that Traya had been disturbed.

Ral Rai had become invisible, yet she was alive, very alive.


Arruna sensed her old mistress again and tried calling out to Traya to warn her that Ral Rai had tricked her.

But there was no answer Traya had been distracted.

Still, Ral Rai was trapped inside Arruna's mind and perhaps it was only a matter of time before Darth Traya sensed her presence.

And so she quickly began to reach out and scour the ship for a weak willed mind to pass by, which she could trap.


Her plan was to jump into another body before anyone from the "outside" could take action against her.

While searching for the nearest individual, she decided to have some fun and mess with Arruna's periaqueductal gray (PAG).

The area of the cortex associated with pain and pleasure.


Arruna's body twitched in pain and then flushed with pleasure as Ral Rai danced within her brain ... a priest nearby watched the expressions on her face and bumped another

one, "Look", he said "we have a 'live' one", they snickered quietly amongst themselves though well out of earshot of Traya or anyone else.

"Mistress Traya, called Arruna, help me but her cry went unanswered.

The two priests picked up Arruna's limp body and carried her out of the room, much to the delight of Ral Rai who sensed everything going on around on the outside.


Finally she found a perfect specimen, and reached out and grabbed his mind as he walked down the corridor passing the room where Arruna's body lay.

The huge muscular Theelan suddenly stopped in his tracks as Ral Rai infiltrated his mind, "Turn into the room on the left", she commanded and he did.

The moment Arruna felt Ral Rai leave her mind she closed the entrance back in it as best she could ... though greatly weakened by Traya's force lightning her strength was now

slowly returning.


The "possessed" Theelan walked into the room and under Ral Rai's instruction picked up Arruna's body.

Ral Rai scanned the ships schematics and found a path that would offer the least resistance in her escape ... hiding and sneaking past guards and soldiers they

finally made it to the landing bay undetected.

There was much activity as pilots and droids were busy reloading the craft with fuel, bombs and checking the systems and doing maintainence on the vessels.


Ral Rai as the Theelan, saw her opportunity and quickly crossed an open section of the bay toward a small transport vessel that had just been refuelled.

But as she walked onto the up the ramp she was suddenly faced with a guard who stood at the inner entrance of the craft.

"Halt, what are you doing here and who is that person you are carrying ?"

Ral Rai had not seen the guard and knew that if she blasted him with lightning she would lose control of the Theelan's motor skills for a few seconds and Arruna's body would

fall out of his hands and sustain more injury.

Arruna's body was already covered in what appeared to be a blackish red rash from Traya's lightning and it was sure to have a guaranteed black and purple bruise on her jaw as


Well this was not be Arruna's day because that's exactly what she did, The Theelan dropped Arruna like a sack of Kesselian potatoes while in one swift movement Ral Rai

force blasted him back into the wall of the craft knocking him unconcious.


She/the Theelan bent down and picked up Arruna's limp form which had now an added injury of a bleeding face as her skull had hit a jutting guide rail in her unceremonious fall.

Ral rai didnt bat an eyelid.

Thankfully the Theelan she had chosen was also a pilot and after a fairly convincing story the craft was allowed to leave the docking bay.

Ral Rai felt a sudden thrill as the craft escaped into the band of massive rocky rings that surrounded the planet ... she punched in new co-ordinates and sat back looking at the

huge form she inhabited and then to Arruna's lithe unconcious form lying on the floor ... a sudden wicked grin crossed the Theelan's face, "Hmm perhaps we could have a little fun

with you my pretty" she said to herself, after all it's a long way home.".


What Ral Rai did not see was the Twilek fighter that shadowed her just out of her ships range.


Kinsa turned to Koy, "Hmmm I'm sure our mistress Arruna will be most pleased to see us again" ... "Indeed" she will sister "And I have no doubt that our reward will be

quite substantial".

Kinsa slowly turned over the tiny glowing device in her hand, "I wonder what else it does" she said.

"Give that to me" said Koy angrily "it's not a toy, it's a tracking device, an Emerido tracking device to be exact" ... "Emerido ?"

"Yes, and it cost a fortune so don't play with it ... I've saved all the credits from my last 11 bounties to buy this".


They sat silent as Kinsa piloted their ship from behind a huge building sized flying boulder.


"Um, I-uh was just thinking .. uh how did you she pointed to Koy you know, attach it to her without her knowing ?" asked Kinsa.


Koy flushed, "Well that's for me to know and you to find out my sweet", she replied and they burst out laughing.

But Arruna had been well aware of the device and deep inside of herself she rested knowing that the sisters of destruction would surely save her *ss, it was just a matter of time.


Arruna thought of Traya ... her new mistress, and how together she going to wrench the galaxy out of the dying Jedi's hands and raise the sith flag on every world to the glory of the new order.

And then she sighed within herself and slipped into a deep deep sleep.


Both craft jumped to light speed first the one, and then after a short time so to did the other.

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"Knock him out Kaiden, i will deal with him later, right now i need to return to the bridge." So Eva walked away back to the bridge.


"Wait, where the hell is that craft going?" Eva exclaimed.

"Ah, gone to a medical station for Darth Arunna." Said an officer.

"I specifically said that no craft was to leave or board the heart of betrayal! Are my orders ignored now?!" Eva shouted stamping her foot.

"Ma'am i am sorry."

"Darth Arruna is Mistress Traya's apprentice! and you just let her go?!"

"She was injured Ma'am."

"All the more reason! We have med-bays here, and Traya has her own personal bay! Speaking of Traya where is she?"

"I don't know ma'am."

"Officer you are being demoted, get scrubbing in the restrooms!" Eva shouted, taking the insignia off the officer.


Traya stirred in her chamber, she was half-asleep as she came back into consciousness from exiting Arruna's mind, although she lay on the floor.

"Mistress Traya!" Eva shouted as she ran over to the dark lord, kneeling and feeling for a pulse. "Are you alright your ladyship?"


"Eva? Yes i am fine, help me up." So Eva did, pulling the dark lord up.

"Your apprentice My lady, she is gone! The fools i left in charge while i was dealing with treason let her be carried out by a theelin!"

"What?! Damn it! I did not destroy her master then! Do you have a tracking device on the ship?"

"Yes My lady, we do on every ship."

"You have done well Admiral, thank you."

"My pleasure your ladyship."

"While i come to grips with things, i want you to contact two Twi'lek bounty hunters, the sisters of destruction."

"At once my lady."


Eva left Traya's chambers and went into a private com room. She sent her hologram to the Sisters ship.

"Come in, this is Admiral Eva Karath of the Sith Fleet."

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Kaiden turned back to Jennson "Well, I have my own ways of dealing with traitors..." he drew his knife and held him "Now, you have 30 seconds to decide, I can cut here..." he held the knife to Jennsons throat "... or here..." he held it down near his private area "... but I'm cutting somewhere so make your mind up" His voice was harsh, sharp and aggressive. Kaiden glared at the whimpering man "So, whats it gonna be?"


Jennson made his mind up pretty quickly, he choose his genitals, got to live... for now. Kaiden wiped the knife clean on Jennsons uniform "You see, even the best slip up eventually, and you, your not very good" he said. Kaiden put the knife away and walked behind Jennson "Sweet dreams" he said, putting his arm around Jennsons neck and choking him out

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The com came to life and the sisters saw a new woman, someone they'd never seen before ... Eva Karath ... and she began to speak. ... the sisters scrutinised her carefully.


"She looks important" said Koy.

"Uh huh, and aggressive ... wouldn't want to mess around with her salad"

"No indeed not, sister".

"Think she's got a less aggressive sister ?"

"Is that all you think about, enough of your foolishness, for once concentrate damnit".

And then she slapped Kinsa, "..' and sit up straight".

Kinsa didn't argue ... though they were both equal in their bounty hunter partnership, Koy was the unspoken leader.


"So do we we take her com sister ?" ... asked Kinsa.

Koy just rolled her eyes.

"If we don't" Koy responded, "that high queen of theirs will kill us in a heartbeat, let's not tempt fate ... put her on".

"Greetings uh-capt no uh-commander" she looked at Koy and pulled a face which said, 'I hope I've got it right ? ... uh how may we be of assistance ?".

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"It will be as you say Ad-Admiral".

Koy elbowed Kinsa just out of view and glared at her, "Sit up straight", she whispered.

"We are tracking them now Admiral and hope to stop them before they reach Sullust.






"We will not fail you", said Koy, "she is our uh mistress too".

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"Yes, that would aid us greatly", Arruna had told us in the past that her former mistress makes too many mistakes when under pressure ... and so the more pressure, the

more mistakes she will make".

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