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Star Wars - A Darker Tomorrow


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Arruna laughed in her mind as Traya prepared to unleash her power upon her, "By Seven eyes of Paradorn I hope she doesnt fry me too much this time", she thought

and then readied herself for what was going to be quite an electrifying experience.


And then as Traya's power surged through her shaking body Arruna quickly stabilised her chromosomes, the lightning doing it's work perfectly ...

Arruna spoke into Traya's mind, "It's done mistress", but Traya just luaghed and gave her an extra jolt just for fun.


Meanwhile on the otherside of the galaxy, in the sisters ship, the com came to life, it was a stern looking individual with a slight smirk on his face, "I would like all our visitors

to be aware our hangar is not a place for level one antics, and" he continued in the same cold voice, "if you choose to use our facilities again as some kind of race track I

would be obligated to incinerate you like the insects you are ... *pausing for effect he then leaned in close and whispered* ... "I like to watch flies on fire what about you".

And then just as suddenly the com died.


"Who was that ?" ask Kinsa.

"I don't know but he looks meaner than a Kath hound from Raxus Prime".

"Yeah I remember them .... brrrrr" she shook her shoulders, "scared me near to death, but i ah must admit they were pretty tasty" and she licked her lips.

"You like hound, Kath hound" Koy's voice went up a few octaves, "you sister ... *she pointed* ... need a brain tail scan and quick".

"Hahaha they're especially tasty with a bit of glitterstim slrrrrprppp" she said smacking her lips again but this time slower and more wickedly, vulgar really.

"Now you're on drugs ?, by the gods Kinsa I've been wondering about your erratic behavior of late and finally it's beginning to make sense ... how long have you been

on the spice anyway ?".

"I'm not on glitterstim, it was only on the hound babe, and that was for taste, nothing else".

"I'm not your babe, I'm your sister".

"Come here how's about a kiss", Kinsa giggled playfully and reached out mockingly to grab her.

"Don't you dare, you you Falorian guttersnipe".

"Falorian hey, yummy my favorite kind" Kinsa laughed continueing her playfulness.

"Enough, Kinsa" she laughed as the two play fighting rolled on the floor, "just let's not get that-that man thing peed-off with us again ok ?"

Kinsa nodded, "Fine I'll fly slower", don't have a litter".


Finally they arrived on planet and after docking their craft they headed into the city and bought a whole bunch of medical equipment and hired a medical droid.

And a few extra knock out darts just in case Arruna's mother and collegues didnt place nice.

"Hopefully they still stay there", said Koy to her sister.

"They do", said Kinsa as matter of factly as she could.

The sisters were armed to the teeth and together with the droid they headed for the monastery ... nothing was going to stop them.


Planet Saleucami ... Arruna's parents home.




Edited by Nintii
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Once Traya had finished her fun, she looked at Arruna and said. "There is the small matter of my already existing apprentice i must have dealt with.... she is weak, so she must die, so you may take her place officially. I think i may send an assassin after her... a sith assassin mind you, someone i can trust... now let me think.... Jiana d'lona. Perfect. I will be back soon my darling, stay put... wait you don't really have a choice in the matter do you now?" Traya then walked off to her quarters, to activate her com device, to speak with said assassin...
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"A moment please sir?" A bridge officer said to lieutenant Dominique

"What is it?"

"It's not right, condemning the pirates to killing each other"

"Is that so?"

"I meant it doesn't really sit right, sir, it doesn't fit the Commanders MO" Dominique sighed, he knew why Kaiden did it...


"Dominique, can I have a word with you in private?"

"Sure, Kaiden, what is it?" Dominique and Kaiden headed to the docks storage, where the guard was sleeping lazily, same as always

"You know my uncles head?"


"I know it was Pustle's doing"

"What makes you think that?"

"8 days ago, Pustle told me about his plans, then he stole the ship"

"Why are you telling me this now? Shouldn't you have spoken with one of the instructors, you know about 7 DAYS AGO!"

"Dominique! Not so loud!"

"Sorry, got a bit carried away..."

"Anyway, I need your help..."

"What with?"

"I'll going away for a week"


"I need you to make sure that Pustle..."

"Doesn't send out on your girlfriend?"

"How did you..."

"Kaiden, I'd be doing the same in your situation"

"Right, your'll do it?"

"Of course, I will" Kaiden turned and began to walked off "Oh and Kaiden!"


"Vode an"

"Vode an"


"He just doesn't like pirates, take the bridge"

"Yes sir!"

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The sisters had been watching the monastery for less than 3 progressions now and "I've seen 25 acolytes and as many servants excluding the few blue robed

teachers of theirs", said Koy.

"No matter, we need to get in there now, we've wasted enough time already dear sister", replied Kinsa. "our mistress is at the edge and we worry about damn

priests and what thet're going to say or do ... *she paused* ... this is the one time my self preservation is meaningless to me", she said with a faraway look in her eyes, "Arruna is

my life and if it has to be mine for hers then so be it".


"I've never seen you so driven my sister", said Koy with an intense look on her face, "well except of course for Bunduraka the seer from Balmorra".

"He was a pig, he deserved what he got, there is no place in the galaxy that is too dark to enter into to find and erradicate that type of scum".

Koy well remembered how a band of 30 or so women had gathered all their savings, some stole, others sold their possessions and others sold even themselves

in the filthiest of dives to raise enough credits to hire the sisters to track down "the seer of Balmorra".


This filth had brainwashed their children and then used them as food in his rituals to appease his deities and then escaped ... but not for long.

Kinsa insisted that the women keep their credits after she saw the horror of the children mutilated and half eaten ... no credits were needed.

They tracked him relentlessly for over 7 months ... Kinsa hardly slept, she spent everything she had and then finally they cornered him on Bespin.


Desperately wanting to kill him herself yet not wanting to rob the mothers of their revenge, she had insisted Koy lock her in the hold of their craft until they brought the pig

back to Rishi.

"I wonder if he's still alive?", said Koy.

"Of course he is, they will never kill him, they're going to torture him for the rest of his miserable 700 year life ... their children and their childrens children will make his

life one long song of pain".

They well remembered the mothers each cutting a piece of the stinking Balmorran off as a trophy deep down in their "prison" underneath the city.


"Enough of this" said Kinsa, "I'm going in, ready or not".

"Let's go sister".


.......................................................................................UPDATE ...............................................................................




Peet Sieben and his wife Deely Vinn were in the kitchen of all places when they first heard the commotion ... there was screaming

and shouting a loud explosion and lots of laser fire.

Thinking that they were under attack, Deely - the warrior in the home - instructed her husband to man the guns in the tower while she

rushed into the armory and gathered up some weapons.


She burst into the main sanctuary and found everyone lying with their faces to the floor, "There she is", said Millian the nerf herder and pointed in her direction.

"Deely Vinn ?", asked a Twilek girl brandishing a tri-laser rifle, "are you she ?".

"Who are you and what do you want here, this is a monastery for contemplation, we have no money ?" said Deeely quite annoyed.

"I'm not going to ask again", said the Twilek with the rifle "time is running out if I have to kill you it will be of little consequence to


"She means it", said the other Twilek female, and then she added "we have no intention of hurting anyone".

That seemed to calm Deely a bit, "Yes I'm Deely Vinn now what the hell do you want ?"

"It's your daughter, she's hurt and she needs blood or else she will die ... here is a medical droid ready for a pint or two, so what's

it going to be ... the nice or nasty way ?

"M-m-y d-daughter"stammered Deely, "she's dead, died years ago after she was kidnapped".

"No", replied Koy, "she's very much alive and she needs blood or else she will be dead".

"Wh-where is she", Deely asked.

"Look lady we'll answer your questions just as soon as you give us some blood", and she motioned the droid to go over to Deely.

"Yes or no ?"

"Well alright but you need to talk, I want answers".

"Fine" said Koy, "I'll tell you everything I know".


An hour later after the blood had been drawn and Deely being informed of her daughter everyone was satisfied and the sisters keeping to their word left the monastery and headed back to the Sith fleet.

Landing their craft they rushed to the medical bay and the droids began the transfusion.


Two days later Arruna sat up and asked for Traya.

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Arruna stood there in her natural form ... her human female body dominated her mother's shape shifting genes and gave her features an exotic and mysterious look.

She had just recovered from her week of examinations and strengthening by the blood which the Twilek sisters had brought back from her mother.


"Yes, I did my mistress ... it is so good to be standing on my two again ... if it wasn't for you, surely I would have died, you have my sworn oath of loyalty unto death".

And then Arruna took a blade from her boot and cut the palm of her hand, "As surely as this precious blood flows hot in my veins so surely will I serve you unto death".

She saw Traya smile and gave a bow, "What is thy bidding my mistress", she said.

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OOC - I feel so bad for not posting in a thousand eternities...quick one to let you guys know that I haven't just up and vanished.



Jonalm Tenshil - The Streets of Coruscant



The more Jonalm trod Coruscant's streets, the more the memories clarified. His friends. His peers. His accomplishments. His happy moments. His sorrows. Jonalm's mind struggled to process it all. He had been away for so very long...possibly too long. He felt his roughened heart soften and relax. Home...he was home.


After about twenty minutes of searching, Jonalm finally found a vacant taxi off to the side. As he walked up to it, however, he noticed a mother and her child heading for it as well. Kindly, he veered back onto the street and let them have the taxi. There would be others anyway.


Another ten minutes passed, and finally Jonalm spotted another waiting taxi. The driver, a young-looking Twi'Lek woman, appeared to be half asleep. Jonalm startled her with his greeting.


"Excuse me, hello." Jonalm said.


The girl jumped slightly. "Oh, hi." She replied.


"The Jedi Citadel, please." Jonalm said as he climbed into the backseat.


"Gonna be an expensive ride. All the way on the other side of the planet." The girl warned as she began powering up the craft's systems.


"I can spare the credits." Jonalm assured her.


With that, the taxi was off speeding through Coruscant's airspace.


Jonalm would have liked to watch the scenery go by, but he instead decided to nap during the trip. He wanted to be as well-rested as possible for his return to the Jedi. Within a few moments, he was slumped in the seat with his head in the crux where the seat and taxi frame's corner met.

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"Hmm.... i have no immediate orders but.... The next time i have a meeting as Lady Odette in the senate... perhaps you could shift into me? take my place in the senate while i return to the Jedi temple." Traya replied.


OOC: It is alright, life gets the better of us sometimes, but at least you are still with us :D

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