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Immersion, Salt


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Alright salt at times can be a little hard to come by, how did the earliest people get salt, they mined it, So what im thinking is, a mod that either creates a few salt mines or adds a few veins of salt rock to existing mines, Each vein of salt rock when mined should give any where between 3 - 5 salt rocks which either through the alchemy crafting menu or the cooking menu allows you to grind it down and purify it in to salt piles



1 Salt vein when mined gives 3 - 5 salt rocks

1 salt rock when ground down gives 2 salt piles

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Or you can just grab a jug of water on the shores of Sea of Ghosts and heat it up untill it evaporates and you get salt. I already tried making that mineable salt but since I still need to finish my models I've put it on hold for now, though I'll probably start working on it again soon. Edited by Werne
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