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Mod Request: Overlord.


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Hi guys. This is a big request I think would be good of a mod. If you have or ever seen the game "Overlord", you might find my request interesting ;). Basically I ask someone whomever is interested and has a very good experience in modding to do this since I'm a pathetic modder myself :(: Make a tower as a home just like the one in Overlord the game and the Armor of the character you play, the Overlord. Cause his armor is really deadly looking :). And maybe make a village similar to the one called "Spree". it would be really class and I would love such a mod as It counts as one of my fantasy mods :). Oh and little minions. You could use scamps in place of them though to make less work 4 ya. Anyone who thinks this request is interesting and good idea I would ask to make this if this request gets popular :) Thanks dudes.
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....I DO eagerly await replies :(. This I assure would be a cool mod! C'mon its time a great mod was made.
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Hmm, yeah THANKS ALOT FOR HELPING GUYS! REALLY APPRECIATE IT! This isn't a mod to talk about complete random stupid things . Neither is this thread. Even though I have no idea what u dudes are getting at, Lol, more so the first post. :wacko:

Anyways if you play the game you'll see its great :). I'm gonna drink some Coke now and lick a random slug.....Cya mates :D

MAMA MIA! YAA! Lol :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: ;D

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A: Anything distainfully directed at Makai Kingdom, even through ignorance, makes you a horrible person, worthy only of being snacked on by zombies. :P

B: I never played Overlord, but it does look fun from trailers. I would have probably contributed more if I knew more about what you were talking about. Or was competent at modeling/weighting.

C: It's not like our knocking the thread back up is giving your request less traffic. :)

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Dude have you got a problem??? if you have something bad or offending to say just leave it out. I'm not trying to make my request terrific I'm simply expressing a good mod that would be nice to make and also, Your the pathetic person, so learn to show more respect dude.......wait are you calling me a zombie??? ........Pmsl! Lol your funny man :). Anyways Cya.
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Lol its ok mate. Just I think it would be cool to keep myself and others occupied with oblivion with some good mods, possibly like I mentioned or even better ones :).
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