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SE specific ENB settings


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I've been going back and reading over a lot of topics recently about Oldrim ENB settings and all that. Issues occur when authors of ENB's change up code and such, and use their own style of coding, and people like me just don't understand base code to begin with.


It appears even some of the structure has changed between old and SE, where certain keywords (they're called keywords, yes?) don't exist anymore.


I know this particular topic has been beaten into the ground, and there are ways around it, but those ways generally destroy the basis of what the ENB is to begin with - night eye.


  • Generally the consensus is to use originalpostprocessing, which NO ENB that I have seen for SE uses the original, and the quality of the ENB becomes so degraded, that it's best to just uninstall.
  • The other option, is to use the APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION removing the // from in front of it. I have yet to encounter a single enbeffect.fx file that actually has this string in it for SE.

Even using the standard ENB files direct from enbdev doesn't have the AGCC option anymore. Can it be added? Where is it added and what's the context?


I did find someone who stated the code can be edited directly but to someone who doesn't even know how to read the code, I wouldn't know where to start editing it, or what values to try. It was at the very bottom I believe was:

//active only in certain modes, like khajiit vision, otherwise Params01[5].w=0
	r1=Params01[5] - r0;
	res=Params01[5].w * r1 + r0;

I did find this: https://pastebin.com/4bBNz41A but the question remains, is this for old/SE and will they work between the two? (Also that I read through very little of it because I don't much understand it)


Are there ENB's that use original post processing that don't look like garbage (I understand subject to personal taste)? Is re-shade really necessary? Last re-shade I tried, it ended up looking like borderlands and nothing like the screen shots advertised, I know I probably did something wrong, but didn't know where...


Where would someone like me, that knows very little of coding, begin to create their own ENB to upload to the Nexus?

Is there a standard "all options listed" ENB FX file that has a good foundation with explanations as to what options do what and what ranges are acceptable? Why do certain tags seem to be missing? Are the options not listed basically defaulted to a certain value, and some ENB's only change a few others, resulting in a much shorter list of changes necessary to facilitate their desired outcomes?


I love atmospheric settings, really dark nights (regardless of my being night blind) that will force me to use torches, night eye, candle light spells, etc. They were added into the game to begin with, let's use them, right? Also provided that Khajiits are my favorite race in game, they have an inherent ability to see in low light conditions - lets encourage atmosphere that promotes usage, not dissuades.


Any assistance is greatly appreciated, and here's hoping that TESV will give me countless more hours of enjoyment until TESVI arrives.

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